Chapter 25

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Poisonous Lies playlist to be played - available on Spotify - link in bio

Poisonous Lies playlist to be played - available on Spotify - link in bio

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"I'll be going to the warehouse now." I nod at Arius as I head there but take the black Range Rover since it's the only untraceable car. He won't know and neither will anyone where I am going which is what's great about this car.

If Arius can't trace it, it means no one can because I don't think anyone has ever surpassed the intelligence level of Arius. He knows everything. All the time.

I make my way towards the headquarters instead because I need to give my update to them. I will take the plane there and come back the same day since me being out for too long is never a good thing. 

As I am driving, my mind wanders to Fiona's words the other night. I don't think about anything other work, it's a very hated trait of mine which is what also makes me the best at the job. 

Yet still, my mind wanders to words of a black head who has turned Arius's life around, including his priorities which now include her being somewhere near the top. I told him to stop, to not give her too much attention because he is dangerous which means too many targets on his back but he just didn't listen, and now he fucked up. 

I can't fix this mistake of his because even I don't know what the fuck is going on other than the fact that she now knows why she is here in the first place.

It's a risk because people knowing part of our plans is what ruins them but I don't know what Arius will now do. 

I don't know if he will reveal the rest of it or not. It's up to him but I will tell him not to.

I stop at a red light and instantly the morning sun hits me on my face which makes me pull down the visor, I hate sunny weathers here which means every day since it's summer. It's summer in California too but at least I am in my home there unlike here where I have to run around a lot to clean up some of our work. 

I look out on the busy streets of Miami at the hundreds of people that don't know what is happening right under their nose yet still be free from any ties within the Mafia. A life without Mafia would be amazing but no one can finish it, if it does, our job will be over. 

So, it's a good and bad thing to have Mafia. 

Just as I am about to look away, I catch a pastel yellow dress and a head of blonde hair and a bright smile that can be seen from miles away. Weirdly enough, my heart thumps once very loudly in my chest and I have to place a hand on top of my chest to stop it. 

It happens each time I see her. 

Sasha Alvarez. A woman that has me confused in many ways. 

The daughter of my very own enemy, the daughter and only heir to the Alvarez family. We stole paintings from them so I don't think that will be a nice introduction to give her anyway. 

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