Chapter 26

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Song listed at the top: Middle Of The Night by Elle Duhe

Song listed at the top: Middle Of The Night by Elle Duhe

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"Don't these look like trophies on my desk?" 

Fabian smiles wide as we both look at the stacks of paper on my desk. All properties snatched from Matteo. It's ruthless making him penniless like this but it's the only way he will know what he did and watch as everything is getting snatched from him in front of his eyes.

"Well, that's done. I guess it's a bonus for us since we worked hard for this, pretty sure I can help you get a property too from these," Fabian nods but chuckles when he sees me look at them again.

"You look like a kid that just got his favourite candy," I laugh shaking my head.

"Isn't it the same?" I question him before putting the papers in a folder and giving it to Fabian so he can take it to the store it in our warehouse outside the city. He is the man for confidential information and one that helps me store it away. 

"Lets go, put these somewhere and go in the afternoon to place them in the right place and come back in tomorrow if you can't get here before end of the day," Fabina nods before we both move to walk outside. 

Hazera is coming today because she feels too bored at the moment with no task to do so she decided to grace us with her presence today. I'm sure Fiona would love that since she is ignoring only me in this house. 

We both walk outside towards the back garden where the beach is and find all the girls playing volley ball and how they got the net set up when we don't have one? I don't even know. 

Sasha has joined here too and seeing Fiona actually smile and laugh as the sun hits her face makes me smile too. Of course, I hide. I can't show any reaction to Hazera. Hazera is wearing a white dress and has her scarf tied tight so she can run around for the ball, Sasha is wearing a light blue sun dress and as soon as my eyes turn to Fiona, it's like she felt me look at her because her eyes instantly snap to mine.

I stop breathing for a second. I feel my heart stop with me.

And everything, I mean everything stops for me each time she looks at me. The easy smile on her rosy lips, the soft curls of her hair that flow in front of her face, the sun glow on her face that makes her look divine. 

She has got to be the most beautiful women I have seen. 

Her smile doesn't drop though like she always forces herself to do because there is Sasha here and Hazera so she isn't allowed to hate me in the open. I will take advantage of this.

"Arius, could do me a favour and bring us some drinks?" Hazera asks me with a smile that says she doesn't think of me as her boss like she is supposed to, just as I am about tell her to do it herself, Sasha offers to do it.

"I'll go, I need something to cool me off too," she quickly makes her way around me towards the kitchen behind me but not before I notice the slight deliberate graze of her arm against Fabian who is standing next to me. 

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