Chapter 28

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Song listed at the top: Fire On Fire by Sam Smith (on repeat for whole chapter)

Song listed at the top: Fire On Fire by Sam Smith (on repeat for whole chapter)

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The sight in front of me has my heart stopping.

A sight that I never thought would be making me shatter me into pieces internally.

We came as soon as we could but with the day ending soon, no light coming from the sun anymore, there isn't a speck of that vibrant day I was loving so much.

Sasha is tied to a wooden chair with a cloth between her teeth that is tied at the back, her ankles tied to the chair legs, her arms also tied at the back and she looks beaten up. Bruised. And not the bright and happy girl I know.

Her clothes have tears in them. She's wearing a simple grey t-shirt and black jeans but there are specs of blood everywhere and it hurts me to see this.

Who did this? Why is she sitting in the middle of the foyer in my father's house?

"Sasha," my voice comes out as a loud shout and her cries only come out muffled as tears stream down her face.

She shakes her head, the tears piercing through my heart at seeing her struggle.

I go to run towards her but I'm stopped by a tight grip on my arm. Arius is holding me back.

"You can't go! Don't you know that is the most reckless thing you can do?" I shake my head because seeing my best friend struggle like that makes me angry but I know I need to compose myself.

I take a deep breath before looking around the house.

It's the same except a lot of the furniture looks like it has been thrown against the wall, broken foyer table, scattered furniture on the floor and no one around. It's eerily quiet enough that I can hear my own breathing.

"We can't go to her in case there are any invisible alerts, we don't know who did this so you need set your emotions aside," I nod because Arius is now making sense. I need to be alert. At all times now.

Quick footsteps come behind me and my heart races but when I turn around with my gun raised, I see Fabian come to a stop in front of me and his eyes zero in behind me. He freezes in his place and doesn't speak or look anywhere else. He called to tell us but he didn't actually see her properly.

"She-" he points to Sasha behind me, I take a deep breath and nod.

"Who?" He grits out his eyes turning hard.

"Fabian we-"

"Who?" he voices louder that makes me stop in my tracks. His possessiveness makes me frown because why is he getting so angry when he barely shows any sign of wanting to be close to someone or even friends with someone?

"Fabian. We don't know." Arius angrily stops him in his place with a hand on his chest. Arius looks over at me, his eyes searching my face looking to see if I might be in a bad position.

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