Chapter 33

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War of hearts by Ruelle

War of hearts by Ruelle

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There is not a strong enough word to describe what I feel for Fiona.

Not love, not affection, no liking. Nothing.

All my life was dedicated to her. My whole reason for joining the FBI was all for her. Only, if she let me explain myself, she wouldn't think of me like that. 

Watching her laugh and smile for other men when I stood there, sat there, all when I was there watching them. Hoping she stopped. 

She didn't. She hurt me. Again, and again but I didn't give up. And I won't. 

Despite the fact that watching her go on her daily life as if I don't exist is heart wrecking. 

I moved from Miami to Los Angeles. It was my destination before Fiona decided to come here, it only worked in my favour when I was hesitant to let everything go and move where Fiona wasn't. I was delaying the process until I heard that she decided to move.

If this wasn't fate telling me we were both meant to be, I don't know what is. 

Even if there was something in our way, I would twist the turns of fate to bring us together.

I am grabbing a smoothie from this café near Fiona's apartment and I decide to grab her one too. Maybe she is tired of my black roses but it was hard even finding them in Los Angeles. Funnily enough, not many people sell them. 

Those roses were what gave me a purpose in life. The tattoo on the side of my neck, where I breathe isn't a coincidence or a cool spot. It's to show I live for her. For my Rose. For Fiona.

Grabbing both drinks, I climb up the stairs of her apartment building, thinking if I made the right choice with the drink when I spot the familiar head of her manager. Chase. He walks inside her apartment and that literally stops me in my steps.

It makes my blood boil. 

I smirk when I realise what she doesn't know what she is about to face. 

I straighten up and walk towards her apartment, juggling both drinks in one hand as I open the door and walk straight into the living room where Fiona is giving him a sort of jacket and he smiles at her, looking at her like he wants her.

Fuck like he does. 

She's mine. 

Both their eyes snap to me when I walk in with a smile on my face, with the way Chase's eyes widen, I know I pretty much scared the little kid. My big frame and body do nothing to make me look like a soft little boy. Not that I want to.

Fiona is dressed in a short red dress that flows around her thighs, her neckline in a half-heart shape with thin straps holding the dress. She's wearing nothing on her face so you can see the small freckles and her hair is kept open, the soft black curls almost calling out my name.

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