Becoming a father

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Teacher Jin brought Taehyung and the rest of the class on an excursion to a chicken farm.

The chicken farm reeked to high heaven. The stench was so terrible for Taehyung that it was to the point of being surreal. He pinched his nose and asked Jungkook, "Do you smell something disgusting?"

"What do you think?" Jungkook was also pinching his nose when he replied to him.

"Let's go? I don't want to stay here."

"We can't. The teacher said to collect some eggs. Each person needs to collect five."

"Oh, help me to collect them then." Taehyung thrust his little basket into Jungkook's hands.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. Lately, he had been rolling his eyes so frequently that it was now a habit.

After collecting the eggs, Teacher Jin brought them to tour the hatchery. Here, Taehyung observed for the first time the entire process of an egg hatching. From how a baby chick determinedly pecked its way out of its shell to the actual moment when it fully broke free and haphazardly took its first steps, the entire process was way too cute!

Taehyung did not know how to accurately describe what he felt at that moment. After heading home, he told his father that even though the stench was killing him, the instant he saw the baby chick hatching from the egg made him unbelievably happy, that he had no regrets ongoing, and so on and so forth...

Principal Kim taught him a new idiom called "a worthwhile trip", and roughly explained his meaning of him.

With a look of enlightenment on his face, Taehyung vigorously nodded his head like a chick pecking at rice. "That's exactly it!"

Principal Kim thought that his son was simply too adorable when he was behaving. In a good mood, he rubbed Taehyung's tiny head and started explaining the principles behind hatching an egg.

A can of worms was thus opened.

After hearing the principles, Taehyung took out an egg from his fridge and held it in his palm. He was determined to personally hatch an egg himself.

Principal Kim thought that Taehyung was doing this on a whim and left him to his own devices. However, who knew that this little fellow ended up holding the egg for the entire day, unwilling to put it down even while eating or sleeping. This behavior sustained for a week...

At this point, Principal Kim couldn't bear to inform Taehyung that the type of egg she had was one that cannot be hatched.

Taehyung held onto the egg even during lessons. While teaching, Teacher Jin would casually sweep her eyes across the class and have her attention immediately arrested by Taehyung. Arrested by his upright sitting posture, his face of concentration, and his left hand that was resting on the desk while clutching a beige-colored egg... That image, honestly no matter how times Teacher Jin saw it, remained a sight that she was unable to get accustomed to.

The person most unaccustomed to this was Jungkook.

Even though nothing had yet to hatch, Taehyung was already treating the egg like his precious child and addressing himself as the mother. Since he was the mother, Jungkook was naturally the father. He even held a serious discussion with Jungkook over what they should name this child of theirs.

Jungkook found himself strangely becoming the father of an egg. Even though he could not pinpoint what exactly was wrong, he still felt very awkward.

His only form of resistance was to run away.

Therefore, ever since finding himself saddled with an egg son, this "father" had been slipping off immediately after lessons were over. He was always the first to run out of class. Even Teacher Jin sighed with gratification over the rare sight of Jungkook actively heading outdoors.

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