Three musketeers

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The whole afternoon, Yukhei was out of form during practice. He was troubled by some thoughts and unable to concentrate.

After practice, he received a call from an unknown number.


"Hey, Yukhei. It's me, Taehyung."

He was unable to explain why the moment he heard Taehyung's voice, his heart drooped dejectedly. He let out a gentle exhale. "Oh."

Taehyung's voice was a little embarrassed. He said softly, "Yukhei, can you do me a favor?"


"My phone is with Jungkook. Can you help me to retrieve it? I don't want to see him."

Thinking back on the message he received that afternoon, Yukhei finally understood why it was so strange. So it was Jungkook who sent it... That explained everything.

His mood lifted instantly.

"Sure," he replied in a resolute tone. However, he remembered how Jungkook seemed like someone difficult to handle and added, "What should I do if he refuses to pass it to me?"

"Eh... If he refuses to pass it to you, tell him that his contact details will start appearing on advertisement leaflets for treating infertility and related scams. See if he still won't pass it to you then."

Yukhei rubbed his forehead. "Okay..."

The two of them conversed for a while more. When they were about to hang up, Yukhei suddenly asked, "My phone number-did you memorize it?"

"Yup, it's not something difficult to do."

Every year, the school would assign phone numbers to the new batch of incoming students. Students of the same batch received numbers that were similar to each other. The first seven digits of Taehyung and Yukhei's phone numbers were the same; only the last four digits were different and memorizing them wasn't difficult.

Even though it was a simple thing, Yukhei was still a little happy.

After saying goodbye to Taehyung, he headed to the ice hockey rink to find Jungkook. Jungkook had coincidentally ended his training and was walking out with a few others. The shortest member of the ice hockey team was over 1.8 m. Standing alone in front of them, Yukhei's figure was petite in contrast.

"Senior, I'm here to help Taehyung get his phone." Yukhei got to the point straight away.

With both hands in his pockets, Jungkook looked at him impassively. "Tell him to come himself."

"If you don't pass me the phone, your contact details will start appearing on advertisement leaflets for treating infertility and related scams."

Yukhei spoke in an extremely even tone while making this bizarre threat. The effect was astonishing and Jungkook's teammates burst into laughter; one of them even started to double up with laughter and had to hold onto the shoulder of the person next to him.

Someone raised his thumb at Yukhei. "You've got guts!"

Jungkook did not have to rack his brain to know that this must be Taehyung's idea. He had to applaud that scoundrel for having a mind that was a bottomless pit of wretched ideas. He supposed that this could be considered a talent Taehyung was gifted with.

Furthermore, every time he met Taehyung, he would helplessly be infected and turn into a lunatic as well. This was the scariest part...

With a darkened expression, he fished out the phone and passed it to Yukhei.

As Yukhei took the phone, Jungkook suddenly raised the corners of his lips. "Go and ask him why he doesn't dare to get it himself."

"Thank you, senior." Phone in hand, Yukhei turned and left.

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