A plan

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Taehyung was assigned to one of the newer dorms built when the seven universities merged. Each dorm room could accommodate four people and had its air conditioner and en suite bathroom. Besides him, two others had already moved in. Both Kim Hyojung and Kang Jihyun majored in agriculture engineering. It was Taehyung's last roommate, Im Nayeon, who was the one also in veterinary science. Unfortunately, she had yet to arrive. Taehyung suspected that this lass probably could not accept the reality of being in veterinary science and had gone back to prepare for and retake the university entrance exams.

The three present roommates all came from different provinces. After returning to his dorm that evening, Taehyung started chatting with Hyojung and Jihyun, and each took turn to share their major. Upon hearing Taehyung was assigned to major in veterinary science, both girls comforted him, saying that veterinary science majors have much potential after graduation. For instance, one could become a veterinarian, open a pet clinic, or enter an animal welfare organization, which were all rather decent prospects. As he listened, Taehyung thought, how was it that others could have such a contemporary take on his major while his father could only think of milk lactation in sows? Just what on earth had his old man gone through to single-mindedly think this way?

That night, Taehyung went to bed with dreams of a bright future. When he woke up the next morning, another person had appeared in the room.

This person was around 1.6m, skinny, and had shockingly pale skin. Her long dark brown hair draped over her shoulder and gently rippled like soft silk with every movement.

The girl had just stepped into the room and put down her two large suitcases. She turned her head and immediately saw Taehyung who was staring at her while sprawled across his bed. She smiled at Taehyung. "Hey there."

Her tone was unbelievably gentle and soft.

Taehyung almost melted. He quickly got up and spoke, "Hello hello. You must be Im Nayeon. I thought you weren't coming."

"My house is quite near. That's why I didn't come yesterday."

All four roommates officially gathered together for the first time. Hyojung pointed to Nayeon's large suitcases and asked, "Did you carry them over yourself?"

"Nope, I met some kind-hearted person on my way here."

"How come I didn't meet someone like this. It must be because you're pretty."

"Well, if it's a guy, no matter if he's tall, short, fat, skinny, old, young, good looking, or ugly, call him "handsome" and he'll most likely turn into a kind-hearted person."

Taehyung thought that Nayeon's advice was pretty amusing. He glanced at the time and appeared somewhat excited to have breakfast. He called Eunwoo.

Taehyung: "Handsome."

Eunwoo: "...!!!"

Taehyung: "Handsome~~~"

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Don't be like this, I'm scared... Just call me Little Cha or butt-min. If these still really can't do, 'son of bitch' works for me as well..."

Taehyung pressed a hand to his forehead. "Cut the crap. Deliver breakfast to me."

"Yes sir."


Eunwoo won a white bicycle when charging his phone credits yesterday. The bicycle's design leaned towards cute and charming and was relatively small. With Eunwoo's tall build, him riding this bicycle was akin to someone charging down the highway on a small fluffy white sheep—both were cringeworthy sights to behold.

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