Music room (2)

258 16 3

Jungkook felt that something was wrong and opened his eyes instantly, only to see Taehyung clutching a pair of black handcuffs. One of his wrists was already shackled while the other was currently being seized over——

Without thinking, Jungkook instinctively jerked back his hand.

How could Taehyung let his nearly captured prey getaway like this? Taehyung tightened his grip hastily. "Stop moving!"

Jungkook of course did not obey his words. He tried to free his arm from Taehyung's grasp frantically. Perhaps due to the unexpectedly large force that he used to do so, Taehyung was caught off guard. He was yanked over along with the handcuffs and narrowly missed landing on Jungkook's body.

Taehyung was a little panicked. He tightly clutched onto the handcuffs with one hand while using the other to recapture Jungkook's escaped wrist. Unfortunately, Jungkook's arm was much longer than his. By simply raising Jungkook's arm a little more to the side, he was making it difficult for Taehyung to do so. No matter how hard Taehyung tried, he could only reach Jungkook's forearm. To add insult to injury, he was completely incapable of even budging Jungkook's arm...

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked while wrinkling his forehead.

"Cooperate a little!" Taehyung was still striving to accomplish his goal.

Triggered, he continued to grab at Jungkook's arm relentlessly, causing their bodies to press and rub against each other. Jungkook could sense the softness of Taehyung's limbs, and how delicate and fragile he was. Jungkook was afraid of hurting him and did not dare to put up too much of a physical struggle, using only enough force to evade him. The more he evaded, the more fiercely Taehyung grabbed at him—to the point that almost Taehyung's entire body was sprawled across his.

Pressed together like this, he could smell a faint fragrance from Taehyung's body. It was a clean and soft scent unique to a boy like him. Like the gentle mist of a drizzle or the freshly unfurled petals of a blossoming flower, it was both unfamiliar and different and lingered in a subtle but irresistible manner.

Jungkook was vaguely disconcerted.

Taking advantage of his lapse in concentration, Taehyung quickly pounced and pinned him down.

Then, before Jungkook could recover his senses, Taehyung shackled Jungkook's other hand at lightning speed.

Jungkook lay on the floor and looked up at Taehyung. He straddled Jungkook's body. Due to exhilaration, Taehyung's face was flushed and his eyes sparkled. His short, inky black hair fell forward and framed the two sides of his face, gently swaying with his every movement. Streaks of sunlight filtered in through the window and clearly outlined her body.

This was a fairly AV-like angle.

He saw Jungkook watching him and winked at him, a tiny smile lighting up Taehyung's face.

Jungkook's mind was in a little disarray. He shifted his gaze to avoid Taehyung's face and tried to move his hands. He discovered that he was firmly trapped.

He tried to break free but was unable to do so.

Darned handcuffs were quite durable after all.

Jungkook wrinkled his brows. "What exactly are you up to?"

Taehyung got up from his body. In a tone of reproach, he said, "Jungkook, it's you. You're the one who forced me onto this insidious path."

Jungkook wanted to sit up but he pressed Jungkook's legs down immediately. "Don't move!"

Through the layer of fabric, he could distinctly feel the shape of Taehyung's fingers and the warmth of his hand.

He was flustered and felt something surge within him. It was an uncomfortable feeling. He exhaled softly and relaxed his body. Still lying across the floor, he stared at Taehyung. "Fess up. Just what are you up to?"

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