The competition and being drunk

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Besides RCU students, quite a number of the ice hockey match audience was made up of members of the public. Most of them had officially purchased their tickets from the school at a marked-up price.

Yup, that was right. Impatient to prove that their ice hockey team was fully capable of recovering past losses and raking in profits, the school administration had taken two-thirds of the available seats for sale.

The result was that sales were quite good.

Taehyung originally planned to pretend to watch the match for a few moments before sneaking off. However, ten minutes into the match, he gradually drew his brows together.

Ice hockey was a rather exciting sport. Everyone on the ice was quick as lightning and the competition pace was extremely fast. Precisely because of the speed, it was inevitable that collisions would happen. Therefore, it was the norm for most ice hockey players to be of a bigger build.

RCU's ice hockey team was teasingly called the "male models team" by RCU students. From this, one could imagine how well-built they were. However, when contrasted against Caucasians, they were still slightly not up to par.

Therefore, from the start of the match, RCU was suppressed by the opposite team. The German ice hockey players went on a strong offensive and the puck was contained by them in RCU's defensive zone. Thankfully, RCU's goalkeeper was reliable and fended off the opponents' numerous attacks.

Unfortunately, as the match proceeded, he ultimately missed a puck.

The stadium was filled with unceasing cheers of encouragement. The audience was anxious and no one was willing to see their team losing on their home ground. 

Sitting in the corridor, Taehyung could hear the incessant grumbles of a fatty sitting nearby that was filled with rage. "...playing like shit. Just surrender already. You guys are an embarrassment to Korea!"

Taehyung's face was grim.

After he finished grumbling, the fatty got up and headed to the washroom. Taehyung twisted open a bottle of mineral water and emptied its contents on the fatty's seat.

Taehyung was never someone with high moral standing. Carrying out this bad deed, he did not feel a prick of guilt at all.

When the fatty came back, he sat down on the puddle of water and nearly died from anger. He loudly swore in rage.

Everyone ignored him.

Taehyung turned back to the ice rink, and while listening to the fatty's curses, continued watching the match.

The German team had been dominating the match for almost 15 minutes. Taehyung could sense that RCU's morale was low. Even though the difference in physique did affect the match a little, it was not to the extent that it could determine the match's outcome.


The turning point happened in a flash.

Jungkook suddenly intercepted the puck and single-handedly brought it across the line. Guessing his intent, the opposing team quickly sent out players to defend.

However, he was too fast. With swift and nimble movements, he snaked through the rink and successively evaded two people. In a blink of an eye, he was at the other team's goalmouth. He aimed the puck at a gap in the goalkeeper's defense and swung.


Taehyung leaped up from the floor.

The crowd lagged for two to three seconds and erupted into enthusiastic cheers. They could not be blamed for reacting too slowly—it was simply that Jungkook was too fast.

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