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I woke up and looked at my phone to see the time, 08:38 it said that was pretty early for me so I put my phone down and cuddled back into y/n.


I woke up again but this time I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to get up I saw that y/n was still asleep so I went to get changed.

After that I went over to y/n and tried to wake her up but she wouldn't, I knew that she was alive because I could hear her breathing quietly, 'y/n was always a heavy sleeper' I thought to myself and then I started shaking her gently to wake her up.


I woke up to someone shaking me and my eyes fluttered open and I saw ash I turned over to go back asleep. "Ma come on you have to get up" I heard him say "it's way to early" I said tiredly and then I heard him say "It's 1 pm ma" "exactly" I said back. He let out a chuckle and lifted me up and I put my legs around his waist and he carried me out to the living room.

He sat down on the couch with me on his lap and then I started to fall asleep.


I was watching TV with y/n on my lap and then I noticed that she was about to fall asleep so I lightly tapped her to wake her up.

"Ma you can't go asleep because if you do you won't be able to sleep tonight" I said calmly "okay."she says I could hear the tiredness in her voice and I kissed her on her forehead and started playing with her hair while looking back at the TV.


I was watching the TV with ash and I looked up at him and started admiring his features. I loved his tattoos and I loved his eyes I loved everything about him and that's why I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" he said still looking at the TV I couldn't be bothered to say anything so I just cuddled into him.

A couple of hours later me and ash were still watching TV I looked at the tine and it was 9 pm so I got off ashes lap and started walking to his room "where you going ma?" He asked me I was to tired to answer him so I just waited for him on the bed.


Me and y/n we're watching TV but all of a sudden
Y/n went off my lap and started going somewhere "Where you going ma?" I asked because I was confused. She didn't answer me so I went and followed her.

I saw that she went into my room so I went in also, I saw her sitting on the bed I chuckled and sat down with her. She snuggled into me and I brought her to my chest.
"I love you ash" I heard her say quietly
"I love you too ma" I whispered in her ear

A couple of minutes later she fell asleep and I fell asleep with her. 'I'm so lucky to have her as my girlfriend' I thought to myself

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