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Y/N's POV:

I have a crush on a boy named Ashtray but the thing is, we don't speak that much, but even if we did I don't think that he would like me in that way, I don't even think he likes me at all.

Sometimes when I was walking in the corridor I would see him and wave at him, most of the time he looked at me and laughed with his friends, or he would simply give me a cold glare and roll his eyes.

I think he knows that I like him because I sometimes give him hints and my friends sometimes tell me that I make it really obvious.

I was now in my lesson and Ash was in it and he sat infront of me, when the teacher turned around I tapped Ash on the shoulder, he turned around and looked at me.

"What" he said dryly, "can you help me with this question?" I asked nicely "no" he scoffed and turned around, I looked over at my friend who sat beside me and she gave me a look of sympathy and helped me with the questions I was stuck on.

Later on it was lunch time and I was sitting with my friend April (if that's your name you can change it) "y/n why do you still like him he literally treats you like shit" She said to me, I sighed "I don't know April I just do I guess", after lunch I went to my next lesson.

It was now the end of the day and I was walking out of school and I saw Ash, I walked up to him "Hey Ash" he groaned and looked at me "don't call me Ash only my friends can say that" "right sorry..so I was wondering if-" I got cut off "y/n I don't want to go out with you" he rolled his eyes and walked off, I looked down embarrassed..he's probably just had a bad day.

Ashtrays POV:

Everywhere I go y/n is there and it's so annoying, she's so obsessed with me and it is so obvious that she likes me, i hate her.

Y/N's POV:

It was the next day and it was also the last day before break which made me really happy, I got up and ready and walked to school, once I got there I was greeted by April.

We walked inside school together and went to our lockers that were thankfully next to eachother. We were laughing and talking until the bell rang which meant we had form now but luckily we were in the same form.

"Hey y/n I need to tell you something" April said "what?" I asked "well..I'm moving schools" my heart sunk, April was..moving schools?.

"What" I asked with tears in my eyes "my dad got a new job in England so we have to move there" she looked down "but April if you move to England we won't see eachother for so long and I have no body else here to talk to..your my only friend" I whispered, "I'm sorry y/n".

After that I did my first two lessons and was on my way to break but I heard voices coming from the janitors closet.

I walked beside the door and pressed my ear against it, it sounded like Ashtray but I couldn't hear who the other person was.

"No you don't get it y/n is like crazy obsessed with me, she thinks that we're friends but we're not and I try so hard to get away from her but all she does is follow me around..she literally won't piss off." Ashtray said.

I felt tears in my eyes again, so I quickly ran to the girls bathroom so no one would see me, I cried and cried.

I had basically skipped my next lesson which was not like me at all, I grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes, I then walked out of the girls bathroom, the hall was empty since most people were probably in their lessons, I saw Ashtray by his locker, once he saw me he rolled his eyes in frustration.

I gave him the side eye and walked out of school hoping that none of the teachers saw me.

I am so done with Ashtray, I really tried to be with him but he pushed me away, I hate him

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