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Y/N's POV:

Over the holidays I made friends with people at school, people such as the popular kids at school and stuff.

I had changed to say the least, I was now confident and I was not boy crazy anymore. I had wore outfits that looked way better than the ones I used to wear and I had cut my hair shoulder length.

The day before the first day back to school, my new friend Stacy (you can change it if you want) had come over to my house, Stacy was very popular and she had lots of friends.

We met on the last day of school, when I had walked out, I found her smoking behind the school with her friend Rafe, she offered me a cigarette, which I accepted. Once you get to know her you can learn that she is really nice.

Now onto my friend rafe, we were very good friends as-well and we both tended to be very flirty with each other, I knew that he had a crush on me and to be honest I kind of liked him too..he's way better than ashtray.

At school

Me,Stacy and Rafe walked into the building and all eyes were on us...especially Ashtray.me and Rafe were holding hands while I spoke to Stacy.

It was now first period and I shared it with Stacy so we both decided to skip it. We were sitting on the bleachers and Stacy offered me a cigarette whuch i gladly accepted.

We decided to leave school grounds and go to the mall, once we got there we had bought a bunch of stuff for ourselves and for Rafe, we would never leave him out.

We walked back into school and saw Rafe standing by our lockers waiting for us, He saw us and waved us over so me and Stacy made our way over to him, "heyy" I smiled and hugged him, "hey girl" he said back. "Wanna skip second period?" Stacy asked "uhm yes" we both said, we all had that lesson together.

Stacy,rafe and me started walking the opposite way of the lesson that we were in, I saw Ashtray and I suddenly remembered that he was in my class, we briefly made eye contact and to my surprise he smiled at me, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction so I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my friends.

All three of us were running around the hallways while laughing our heads off, and it must have caught the attention of our head of year because she yelled at us and brought us back to our lesson.

"Hey were you missing anyone in your lesson" She asked my teacher "uhm yes Stacy,Rafe and y/n" he replied. All three of us walked to our seats and started laughing quietly so no one would hear us.

Ashtrays POV:

It was the first day back to school after spring break and y/n had walked in with two other people and she looked..different, normally when school started she would run up to me and try to talk to me, but this time she didn't even acknowledge me..she was to busy focused on her new friends.

Once it was first period I was in my lesson and saw y/n and a girl and they had both went out of the back entrance of the school, it wasn't like y/n to skip lessons.

Things got even weirder because during second period y/n and her other two friends came in 20 minutes late with our head of year behind them, they all walked to their seats and y/n still sat behind me,it was quiet and the only thing I could hear was y/n quietly laughing behind me, something weird is going on..she hasn't spoken to me today..not once.

Y/N's POV;

I was sitting down and looking at my phone when suddenly my teacher came over to me, "miss l/n can you please put your phone away and do your work" he asked,I looked up at him "I don't know what to do" I replied.

He paused for a second but then said "Ashtray will you please help y/n with the questions?" My heart dropped, Ashtray nodded but I quickly said "can I sit by Stacy..she can help me" "well I suppose" He said and I got up and sat by Stacy but unluckily for me I sat in-front of Ashtray.

We were talking about random things and I asked "hey can I stay at your place tonight?" "Ofcourse..let's invite Rafe as-well" she wiggled her eye brows at me and I blushed.

After class me and Stace and rafe went home since we couldn't be bothered to go to school anymore. We were all at stacys place, we played music and did truth or dare, and had pillow fights.

The next morning:
Ashtrays POV:

Y/n hasn't spoken to me for a while and I cant help but miss her, I know I was rude to her and all and I don't know why.

I never really noticed how beautiful she looks, her smile and her laugh makes me get butterflies even the thought of her makes me blush and then I realised I am in love with y/n.

I walked into school and saw y/n standing by her locker talking to that boy again, it made me feel a little bit jealous.

As the days flew by my love for y/n grew, I thought Of her more but she didn't show any interest in me anymore.

"Mr O'Neill you have an after school detention today for no homework" my teacher was reading out detentions. I groaned and texted Fez telling him that I had a detention so I would be home late.

After school I was sitting in the library for half sn hour and once it was finished I walked out, as I was walking through the hallway I heard the door next to me close, I looked over and saw y/n.

She started walking and I decided to say something "hey,y/n?" I called out ti her. She turned around and her eyes slightly widened when she saw me "I've got to go" She started walking away but I quickly grabbed her hand.

"Hey why aren't you speaking to me..?" I asked "are you serious when I liked you,you pushed me away for so long and now that I made myself get over you,you suddenly like me now?..this is such bullshit" She said.

"Y/n..I've always liked you..but I didn't understand my feelings so I pushed you away and I am so sorry..I had a chance with you and I blew it..but can you give me one more chance" I asked and she looked at me "will you go out with me" I said with hope "you know what..sure" she said, "Thank you so much,you will not regret this" she smiled and started walking away but I heard her mumble to herself "I know I won't".

Once she was out of sight I finally let the biggest smile on my face appear and I started silently celebrating. I love this girl.

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