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Me and y/n was on our way to my friends party and I was honestly kind of excited because I haven't seen any if my friends in a long time,but I was also kind of nervous in case if what they think of y/n.

Don't get me wrong y/n is beautiful and the best girlfriend you could bet ask for but I am not worried about all of my friends opinions on her.

You see I also have a friends called Alexa and she has had the biggest crush on me for months now, And she knows that I have a girlfriend plus she's also going to be at the party, so I'm worried in case she doesn't like y/n.


Me and Ashtray were on our way to his friends party I could tell that he was excited to see his friends but I could also see that he was worried about something "Hey, you okay?" I asked him "huh?, oh yea of course I am" he said with a little smile. But I knew that something was bothering him.

A few minutes later we got to the party and he was greeted by some of his friends. I had a little bit of social anxiety but I wasn't that worried because the party wasn't a gigantic one like in American movies when the main character invites the whole entire school. It was only me,Ash and his friends, so there was only like 6 of us.

"Yo let's play spin the bottle" one of His friend Said
"Yea sure" a girl who is called Alexa I think said.
We all sat in a circle I was sat opposite Ash and I was sitting next to his friend Noah, and ashtray was sitting by Alexa which I didn't mind because they were friends.

Alexa Span the bottle first and it landed on the guy next to Ash and she did not look happy about it, I just assumed that they did not like eachother.

After a few spins it was My turn, I spinner the bottle and it landed on.....Ash!!. I was very glad and relieved about that because I didn't want to kiss anybody except for him. We did a quick slight peck before pulling away from each other.

Everyone was going "OoOoOoOo" well, everyone except for Alexa she looked fuming, like she was going to have an outburst of anger any second.

"ENOUGH" She screamed at everyone, they all went silent. "I don't want to play this game anymore let's play a different one" She said "Actually why don't we have a vote on who wants to keep playing and which ever idea has the most votes wins." Another friends of Ash's who was called hunter replied.

"Okay so, who ever wants to play a different game raise your hand." Everyone was silent and no one out there hand up except for Alexa who had a big look of excitement on her face "okay, whoever wants to keep on playing spin the bottle raise your hand" And after he finished his sentence everyone's hands were up except for Alexa's.

"So its settled let's keep on playing spin the bottle". "NO I HATE THIS STUPID GAME!!" Alexa screamed and then she stormed out of the room. 'What's her problem' I thought to myself.


After everyone voted to keep playing spin the bottle I screamed at them all and stormed out of the room into the hallway, hoping that someone would follow me out, After sitting out here for a few second I couldn't stop thinking about Ashtray and Y/n I mean like I can't believe they kissed, Ashtray is mine and not hers. I have had a crush on him like forever but of course he goes off and gets himself a girlfriend. Tears started to come out of my eyes. Lucky for me I always was a good at fake crying. The only reason I was is that Ashtray would come out and ask if I was okay.

After a few minutes of waiting for someone to come and check if I was okay I heard the door open, finally about time. I buried my face into my hands and slid down into the wall to make it more believable.

"Hey are you okay?" I heard someone Ask, I was about to answer them but then I realised it was a female voice. I quickly opened my eyes and I saw that y/n girl coming down to my level. She looked genuinely concerned but that didn't bother me, I hate her.

"No nothing is okay, you have ruined everything for me!" I shouted at her "I- What?" She sounded confused but I wasn't at all "I have loved Ashtray for months and now I can't have him because you are in my way now!!" "What are you talking about?" She asked me "Don't you get it?! Your so stupid!! You have taken ashtray away from me and i just know that he will always love me more than you!!" "Okay your crazy! Ashtrays my boyfriends and your one of his friends I get that but that doesn't mean that you get to go full Karen on me!" Just as she said that I slapped her hard across the face causing her to fall down and then I quickly grabbed a nice out of my pocket.

I started to laugh like crazy until I heard the door open and Ashtray was standing there with Noah,Hunter,Kai and Lee. "Ashtray b-babe it-its not what it looks like" I said while panicking in case he saw everything. "Yea yea explain why we saw it all then." "You have no proof at all!!" I screamed back at them "Oh but we do" Noah said and then he pointed to a corner in the room causing me to look over and I saw a camera!!.

Was that there the whole time!! "Oh Ashtray I'm so sorry it was because she threatened me first so I was just defending myself" I said while hugging into him and putting my voice in a night pitch, I was expecting him to hug me back and tell me that he believes me but he didn't?.

"What part of cameras do you not understand we saw the whole entire thing and even if the cameras weren't there I still wouldn't believe you because y/n is my girlfriend. And for your information I don't love you as much as y/n. I don't even love you at all anymore, I did but that was as a friend but guess why we're not friends anymore. He said to me.

"Y-you don't mean that" I said while my fake tears were still coming down my face. 'Dammit I should have out mascara on, it would have made the tears look better.' I thought to my self  "guys" I said while looking behind Ashtray at all the others. "Yea umm the thing is, we always knew you had a crush on Ashtray and you are kind of obsessed with him if you think about it." Hunter said "Agreed" and "Yep" is what all the others said "But now we all have a look on Noah's cameras to see you hitting and pulling a knife out on Ash's girlfriend, man that's not right,that's messed up"he finished his sentence.

"Yea, plus if you were really Ashtrays friend, you would be happy for him, you would be happy because y/n makes him happy if you really like him you would love Him for his choices" Lee said.

"But what about me?! I'm not happy because he's not me with me!" I screamed at them "I want you to choose me and pick me and notice me! I want you to love me!!!" "Alexa calm down you can't always get what you want, Not everything's about you! So stop being a brat and leave Ash alone and leave y/n alone and leave us alone!" Kai shouted at me.

I screamed and stormed out of the house and went on my way home. I want going to lie I did feel really guilty about it. And I am a bit of a brat. And I did kind of get jealous. So I decided that I am going to tell my parents what I did.


After Alexa left I ran over to y/n and hugged her I took a look at her face and saw a bright red mark on her cheek. "Thanks for helping us guys "Yea no problem man we're friends aren't we" I gave them all a group hug and then me and y/n got fez to collect us from the party.

Once we got home it was like 1 am and y/n ran to my room and threw herself on my bed and not even ten seconds later she fell asleep. I chuckled to myself quietly so I couldn't wake her up and then I got in the bed with her and wrapped my arms around her so nothing could happened to her.




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