Chapter 3

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Wednesdays are the only day both me and Ryder have off and yet at 8am I am already awake staring at the ceiling

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Wednesdays are the only day both me and Ryder have off and yet at 8am I am already awake staring at the ceiling. I try to will myself to fall back asleep, but after 15 minutes of just laying there in silence I throw in the towel and get up. I walk downstairs to grab myself a coffee and cross paths with my mom who is the last one to leave this morning.

"Any good plans today for you two?"

"Not really, I think it is going to be a lazy day," I tell her with a shrug.

"You two could use a lazy day, you make me tired just hearing about your schedules."

"Speak for yourself," I counter. "When is the last time you have a day off?"

"The twins graduation," she says casually while adjusting her scrubs for another 12 hour shift. Both my parents work grueling hours and never complain, it is why I admire them so much. "Have a great day Fran, I love you," she says while kissing my cheek.

"Love you too mom."

My mom rushes out quickly and I lock the front door behind her before settling on the couch in the living room. The quiet house is very weird to me because my house is never quiet. But now Joe has moved out and the twins both have full time jobs so I guess the silence is my friend until my sleepy head boyfriend wakes up.

I sip my coffee and try to enjoy the quiet alone time, but by 8:45 barely 20 minutes after my mom left I am fidgeting restlessly. I abandon my coffee cup and sneak up stairs to what used to be my brother Joe's room. No surprise when I crack open the door I see Ryder tangled up in his comforter sound asleep, he really hates morning. Carefully I slip into the room, kick off my sweatpants and try to crawl into bed next to him without waking him.

He stirs a little not waking up, just moving his heavy body so it is over mine. When I first started sleeping over at Ryders he was still hurt so he had no choice but to sleep on his back with my head laying on his chest. I never really questioned if that was how Ryder actually slept because it was routine, but as he started to heal I realized that wasn't his preferred position. He actually prefers to sleep on his side with me tucked close to his chest and his leg and arm draped over me. Thankfully he loves a cold room because I would sweat to death from all his body heat if not.

I planned to stay quiet, maybe even fall back asleep cuddled up with him, definitely did not plan to wake him. Unfortunately I have always been a morning person and after 5 minutes of laying in bed with him I am kissing his chin and running my fingers along his abs. Ryder lost a bit of muscle when he was hurt but he is quickly getting it back. Just two days of practice with the Islanders and I can already see the difference.

"Beck," he groans as I continue to kiss him. "Why do you have to wake up at such ungodly hours?"

"It is 9am," I tell him with a chipper smile he doesn't return.

"Only the devil himself would willingly get up at this time."

"So why aren't you up?"

Instead of answering me Ryder pulls me even closer to him and then flops his entire upper body on me so I am pinned below him. "Sh, go to sleep," he hisses as I struggle beneath him.

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