Epilogue 9

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August 26, 2023 Paris, France

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August 26, 2023
Paris, France

When I first wake up it takes me a few seconds to remember where I am. I am still in my leggings and shirt from yesterday while Ryder is still in his shorts, his shirt hanging off the edge of the bed. We were both so tired last night neither of us managed to change or open the covers before we passed out. We had a bit of a hectic travel day yesterday and ended up not making it to our hotel until after 2am.

I crawl gently out of bed and tuck Ryder in the best I can. I know he will whine that I messed up his plans for us by letting him sleep in but I have noticed how exhausted he has been and I just want him to get a little bit more sleep.

I kiss his head and whisper a soft "I love you" before finding my bag tipped over by the door and dragging it to the bathroom. I open the suitcase and cringe at the mess that spills out. Thankfully, because Ryder is still sleeping instead of dragging me out of our hotel for a day packed with all the best food and sites, I have a chance to organize my things. Also clean a few bras and underwear in the sink because I am running dangerously low.

After my bag looks less like a disaster, I take a hot shower, washing my hair and body with the expensive, lovely smelling products the hotel provided. I spend most of my shower daydreaming about the last month. We are in the last city of our 1 month trip and to say it has been an incredible trip would be an understatement. Of course the trip has been unforgettable but the thing that has me most choked up as I turn the shower off is the guy who planned it. The one who spent months planning itineraries for every single day. The one who found ice rinks and gyms so we could still occasionally train. Who did all of this because he loves me that much.

I am already racking my brain on ways to thank him for this entire experience. I have ordered a ton of arts and crafts supplies and shipped it to my parents already, since I know how happy signs make him. But some signs doesn't feel like enough to show him how grateful I am. I want to give him something that will take his breath away the way he took mine away when he told me about this trip. I want to give him an experience that he has always dreamed of, the way I always dreamed of traveling.

I sigh, slipping on a cute lingerie set and silk robe that Ryder surprised me with in Italy. Like everything else during this trip I try not to think about the price attached. He constantly reminds me he has the money to spend and he wants to spend it on me and I try not to let my own insecurities get in the way of that. His therapist has explained to me that it has to do with his parents financially providing for him despite their neglect so now he sees spending money on me as his way of showing love.

Walking out of the bathroom to go sit on the balcony, I stop next to the bed and give him another kiss. He stirs a little but doesn't wake up thankfully. A 16 city 1 month trip is exhausting to begin with but when you're the one solely in charge of the plans and getting us to a new city every few days, it is like he never stops. Even when we got back to our hotel room most nights he was reviewing tomorrow's plans or confirming things for other cities.

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