Chapter 8

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As soon as I walk into the diner for our usual standing Friday lunch and make eye contact with Noah I know this week is about to get weirder than it already is

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As soon as I walk into the diner for our usual standing Friday lunch and make eye contact with Noah I know this week is about to get weirder than it already is. Ryder has been quiet since we had sex Monday and everytime I try to iniate something since then hes kind of blown me off. I think it has something to do with his parents since he's constantly on his phone but I can't understand why he won't talk to me about his life? Why isn't he including me?

"Hey," I greet as I pull out my chair and sit down.

"Hey," Noah greets giving me a hug while Tom remains unmoving his face on the table.

"What's wrong with him," I ask, nudging Tom and getting no response.

Noah shrugs, also poking at our most dramatic cousin. "Where is Ryder?"

"Some famous personal trainer was coming to train a few of the guys and they invited him to join the session."

"Oh that's cool so everything is going well with the Islanders?"

"Honestly things are going great. He's gotten really close with a bunch of the guys and the coaching staff and even Lou the general manager complimented him apparently. Now we just sit and wait for the offer."

"Do you think they will wait long?"

"I have no idea but I hope not. I would like to help him find an apartment before I go back to school since I doubt he will want to continue living with my parents if I am gone."

Noah opens his mouth to say something but Tom lets out a dramatic sigh. We both eye him waiting for him to lift his head and speak but he just remains how he is and sighs again.

"Alright what the fuck is your issue," I ask while pulling his head up by his hair.

I know I am hurting him from the way he hisses while swatting at me but I only tug harder until he gives us an answer. "Stop fine, fine! I just wish I had a talent like you guys and Ryder. You are all going to be famous pro athletes one day and where does that leave me? Forgotten? Shit Fran you're already replacing me for him."

"I'm not," I defend, automatically getting defensive. I have tried really hard to not sacrifice any of my time with my cousins this summer just because of Ryder. I have even encouraged him to hang out with the team so the three of us have our alone time still.

"Dude that's not fair she is not at all replacing us," Noah immediately jumps to my defense. "Besides Ryder is cool as fuck and fits out group perfectly."

"No he fits you two," Tom interjects. "You three talk about sports and working out and eating healthy and all this fucking shit. I can't relate to that stuff."

"Tom, you have always worked out with us. You're basically our personal trainer and our manager. What do you mean you can't relate?" I try to scoot closer to my cousin but he scoots away from me crossing his arms.

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