Chapter 12

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"All my ducklings, come here," I call out to my cousins, brothers and boyfriend who are all running around the parking lot of the train station like children

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"All my ducklings, come here," I call out to my cousins, brothers and boyfriend who are all running around the parking lot of the train station like children. I now get why parents leash their kids, and at this very moment, wish I had some leashes as the guys continue to goof off.

"Or not," I grumble as my calls go ignored and I am left to buy all the train tickets myself. They are all venmoing me the money, plus interest for being idiots.

We are on our way to New York Pride so I don't tamper down their excitement too much. I am excited for pride this year too; and seeing so many people dressed up in bright colors, including my band of idiots, has my excitement levels through the roof. This is my second New York pride, a tradition I started with Parker last year. Last year we went together with my girlfriend at the time, my brothers, and my guy cousins. Charlotte and Em didn't come because Em was still too young and Charlotte doesn't like crowds; the same reason they aren't here this year. But Luna, Tristian, Maya and Alex are joining us this year along with Bray of course. They all got to the city last night and stayed at one of Alex's dad's many apartments.

After getting the tickets I grab Ryder and drag him up the train platform so I don't lose him. The other 6 have been riding the Long Island Rail Road since they were in diapers so I am not worried about them, they can survive on their own.

When the train pulls up we quickly pile on and grab seats all together. There are six seats all facing each other but we are 8 people so I end up on Ryder's lap while across from us my brothers and Noah squish onto one row. Alex and Tom are the only two who get a seat to themselves and god forbid they don't brag about it the whole train ride in.

The second we arrive at Penn Station I grab onto Ryder's shirt, so not to lose him in the crowd. The city on any given weekend, especially in the summer, is insane but the day of the Pride Parade it is a whole different level of crowded. People are piling out of trains and running up the stairs like someone is giving away free money. It is still pretty early in the day but you can already smell the booze and sweat and there is a layer of body glitter covering everything.

"Don't these people realize that this is like an all day thing? Running is pointless," Joe sighs, wrapping an arm protectively over my shoulder.

"Don't be a grouch old man," Noah chides, wagging his finger at Joe as we all finally make it to street level.

"Bray said they're at the Starbucks across from Penn," Ryder says, looking around to see if he can spot his best friend.

"Which one," we all ask in unison.

"Why is there more than one," Ryder yells as someone pushes into me and he shoots them a dirty look. My poor tourist boyfriend, I probably should have brought him to the city prior to today. Oh well too late now, onward we go.

It takes a little bit to find our friends since none of them know the city at all but eventually Ryder breaks away from me and runs full speed to Bray, who ditches Parker and runs to meet him.They meet in the middle of the street in a hug that looks straight out of a rom com but I don't have time to watch their hug as Luna and Maya run over and attack me in one similar.

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