Epilogue 12

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May 8, 2023

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May 8, 2023

As a swiftie since childhood I grew up with 13 being my favorite number.

What is your favorite number Fran?

Easy. 13.

Until it wasn't anymore.

Until number 8 smiled at me and yelled at me for not dressing property at his games.

Until every weekend, from October until April, I was drawing little 8s on my cheek and having my best friend make me a custom jacket with an 8 embroidered on it and my closet filled up with the number on more articles of clothing than it wasn't on.

Until 8 took over my life and before I knew it took over the spot as my favorite number too.

And since today is the 8th, it is a better day than any other days of the month.

Well that and the fact that it is Carson Ryder's birthday. Or more importantly known in my world as the best day of the year.

Sadly this year the best day of the year falls on a Monday, which makes celebrating it a little harder. We did celebrate yesterday at Sunday dinner but I couldn't throw him a huge blow out party like last year. It doesn't help that our friends' lives are all a little chaotic right now, especially Maya and Stans, so none of them can come celebrate with us. But I don't let that deter me.

I can't. It is his first birthday without them and as much as I hate them and I know he does too, today will still be hard.

That is why I have spent hours agonizing over today. I need him to feel how loved he is every second of today. I need him to understand I love this day because this day 22 years ago gave me him.

Which is why at 7:30am I let him sleep in, because he isn't a morning person despite his lies that he is starting to become one, while I begin my masterplan.

I baked a cake last night while he cursed with my dad at the Devils and Canes game and now I need to decorate it. I fully expect it to be ugly as sin but I know that it will mean more to him if I do it this way. He loves homemade things more than anything else.

45 minutes later I am done, but I also mentally decide if Ryder tries to take a picture of it I will let Luna burn one of his hats. The perfectionist in me is twitching to throw it out and buy a store bought pretty cake but this is about him, not me.

So I put it in the fridge and focus on getting breakfast instead.

I decided we'd have a bagel with bacon, egg and cheese since Ry loves them so much and because I don't think I can handle any more time in the kitchen for now.

I get dressed for the day, do my hair and make up quickly, then skip out to my car, which feels weird to say, and get in. I take a deep breath before I pull out of the driveway still loving the new car smell.

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