Chapter 22

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April 1, 2011 (7:55 pm)

Finally the weekend! OMG! Yes! It means I can upload! Hell yes!

But, I've come to a sad conclusion.... :[

I will not be writing anymore after this story. Yup, you heard right. I'm just not feeling it anymore. I don't know why, but it just seems different. I'm sorry to everyone especially my fans! Wish you all the best of luck.

So, chapter 22...


It's been two weeks. Nick's still in his coma and I've visited him everyday since that first day. I never stay for less than three hours. Sometimes people would come with me, but mostly it was just me, which I liked better.

Most of the girls have gone home. Only Heather has stayed. I heard that Dana has gone to take her place as alpha, but Heather didn't want to go back home. She didn't want to be reminded of that life, so she's staying here and she'll be my beta.

Anthony has stopped moping and such, I think it's because of Heather. Heather is almost sixteen, the same age as Anthony and I think someone's found their mate. I'm happy for them, really I am. All I wish is that I could be that lucky.

Right now, I was in my room folding my laundry. I haven't done much of anything. And today especially. My mom was planning to have a little celebration tonight for my birthday. Yup. Today, I'm seventeen, but I can't find any reason to celebrate. I really don't want to go, but my mother says I need to stop moping, but how can I when Nick is still in the hospital?

I've already lost twelve pounds and I only get seventy minutes of sleep a night. It seems that I'm almost doing worse than Nick is. But we're both alive and I guess that's what counts, right?

Still, what happens if he stays like this for any longer. At the rate I'm going, I'd be dead before him. Even with that possibility, I still can't seem to get any better. My body is reacting to the pain my heart and my wolf are feeling.

No one can ever know what it means to have a mate. You are connected after you first have any form of physical contact. And you'll never be able to reverse that. If you are true mates, then you feel like it's the end of the world when your mate gets hurt. If they died, then you would, too. Maybe not physically, but emotionally. With me, it would be both.

That fact got me to thinking. How come my mother wasn't acting that way? My dad's dead. The only way that she wouldn't be this way was if-

My thoughts were immediately cut off when my phone rang. I almost didn't answer it, when some feeling in my stomach told me to. So, I did. "Hello?" I asked cautiously.

"Miss Ordain?" a gruff voice asked.


"This is Doctor Sakend from the Armouth Hospital," he said.

I froze and breath breath caught in my throat. "Y-y-yes," I choked out.

"You have relations with Nicholas Anderson, right?" Dr. Sakend asked. It was so weird hearing Nick being called Nicholas. It sounded... wrong.

Why the hell wouldn't he just tell me what was going on? I was already about to pass out! "Yes!" I said, maybe a little too loud. "What's going on?"

The doctor paused for a moment... and I was about to shoot someone. Why wouldn't this ass just tell me already?! "He's awake," he said at last.

And then I dropped the phone. As quickly as I could, I ran down my stairs. Tears burned through my eyes and I could hear shouts behind me, but I ignored him. Nick was awake!

Soon, I was on four legs running as fast as I could to the hospital. The funny thing is that I don't even remember opening the door.... Oh shit. I'm going to hear about this when I get home.

But right now, I didn't even care.

After a few minutes the hospital came into view. I quickly shifted back and ran across the hospital parking lot. Within seconds I was running down the corridor, ignoring the shouts telling me to slow down. It seemed that the hallway was getting longer, which completely pissed me off, but I finally made it.

I stopped outside his door and knocked. What was I doing? Freakin' knocking? Come on, Clarity! I opened the door and looked toward him. Was this some sort of joke? He was still asleep. The tears started to come again in a new wave as I walked over to the bed.

"Nick?" I whispered. Nothing. Things were the same as always. No. NO!

I collapsed into the chair, I had sat in for the past two and a half weeks, and cried. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed. They lied to me. How could a doctor do this to someone? I am sure this is against the law. I will sue, and maybe even murder, whoever this Doctor Sakend guy is.

All of the sudden, I felt a light touch on my head. Carefully and slowly, I looked up into the most amazing green eyes I've ever seen in my life. I gasped and Nick gave me a weak smile. "Hey," he said softly.

For a long time, I just sat there in shock. This had to be a dream. In a very unsteady manner, I rose to my feet and headed for the bathroom. "Where... going?" Nick asked in a hoarse voice.

"To the bathroom," I murmured softly. "I need to wash my face and make sure I'm actually awake."

He frowned. "Clarity... here," he got out. I walked over and sat at the edge of his bed. His shaky hands took a hold of mine and a squeezed them gently.

"I can't believe this," I said softly as my eyes watered for the hundredth time since he got hurt. "They... they said... that you... you were awake, but when I go here, you weren't and I just... I just thought..."

I shook my head. "I'm so sorry," I cried.

"No!" he said and shook his head. "No," he whispered. "Love you."

"Love you, too," I smiled. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Carefully, I leaned down and pressed my lips to his for a long over due kiss.

It was that kiss that led me on my path to recovery and into my future with Nick. Because from then on, I knew that everything was going to be all right.


April 1, 2011 (11:20 pm)

And.... APRIL FOOLS!!!!

I'm not going to quit writing. Durr.. I love writing. It's the only thing that keeps me sane now.

All right... so I haven't decided yet... should I have one more chapter and then the epilogue? Or just the epilogue? Tell me what I should do, please!


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