Chapter 5

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January 22, 2011 (3:30 pm)

Okay, so freakin' pumped! I got 37 on the what's hot list. I have no idea how, but it's awesome. I like legit just did I fist pump... Haha Jersey Shore Fist Pump Team.... my cousin has that's totally awesome! Now I have two, count em, TWO stories in the top 100 in the What's Hot List. How sick is that? God, I love it. Anyway... big things are happening in Chapter 5....


Three of them came. Kane. Big surprise on that one. I couldn't wait for this. I'm hoping I can piss him off enough to get him riled up, so maybe he can put up a good fight. I haven't had one of those in awhile.

The next to come was a tan-ish colored one. Let me tell you all this. He was one of the biggest damn wolves, I've ever seen. Yet, there was a kind of weakness in his eyes that I found. I knew that he was only here for show. If at all possible, he wouldn't fight unless he was the only one who could.

Then, there was the black one with the emerald eyes who'd come earlier. Good. I wanted him here. I would be seriously pissed if he wasn't. I might've even gone for their alpha if he didn't come.

I knew the grey one wouldn't return. He wasn't a fighter. He might've been in his prime, but it was way past then now. In other words, he was old. He'd settled and probably had a family by now. I'd be surprised if he didn't.

They came up to me in a line. Kane in front, the black one flanking his left side, and the tan one flanking his right. They all growled and tensed when they saw me.

"Why, hello, boys," I said to them. "Come to eliminate me so soon. It's a shame we couldn't spend some quality time together," I said as I stepped closer. Kane snapped the air, warning me. "Who's your friend?" I asked eyeing the tan one.

"That's no of your business," Kane snapped.

"Is anything ever my business?" I asked him. "So which one of you is going to kill me? Or attempt to kill me?"

"None of us," the tan one said. "We've come to offer you a deal."

"Oh, please," I said rolling my eyes. "Deals are made to be broken." My evasive smile showed that I wasn't planning a friendly talk. I wasn't even planning a talk with the alpha at all actually. I was just trying to get the boys angry.

Kane snarled at me. "You are asking for it female."

I growled at him. "No, you are asking for it!" I shouted at him. How dare he call me a female? That name didn't describe a wolf like me. I was stronger than that name. "If you've heard of me, you know what I can do. Do not underestimate me!"

The next thing happened in a blur. I don't even know how it happened. Everything just went to fast. Kane was about to charge at me, but before he could the black one launched itself at me. Yes, I was caught off guard. Mostly because I wouldn't think he'd be the one to make the first move. Although, I knew he was just doing it to protect Kane. He was sacrificing himself.

In a moment, we were fighting. Teeth, claws, everything. He'd clips my back and I'd gotten part of his shoulder. Then, before I knew it, he was under me and I was about to deliver the final blow, but when I looked into his eyes, I hesitated.

Those emerald eyes held me. I could see who he was through his eyes. A boy about seventeen years old. Black hair and he had those amazing green eyes. He was well built and had a perfect tan. Everything about him screamed "male model" at me.

"Just do it," he told me.

But I couldn't. I don't know why, I just couldn't kill this one. All my mind could say was, "not him."

Then, Kane had charged at me. He knocked me over and I quickly got back up. We were know locked in battle. His anger added an extra flare to his fight. Yet it also made him only try to give me blows, not put up his own defenses. Once I had him on the ground, he was done.

In one swift movement, I had his neck in my jaws and crushed his throat. "Sweetheart," I said as he took his last breath. "Nobody messes with Clarity Ordain."

Before the others could get to me, I ran. I turned and went back towards the hideout. But the black wolf was following me. I ignored him and ran to random places, thinking he would tire soon enough.

The tan one had stayed with Kane's body. He had taken up the role of the smart one, I assumed. And then there's the idiot that's chasing me. As of right now, I'm headed for Canada.

And hour later, he was still chasing me. I was starting to get annoyed. Would he just go home? God, what the hell was up with this guy. If he was out for revenge, he sure wouldn't get any. It's his friend's fault that he's dead.

Two hours after that, he was still following me. Seriously? Go home already! I'm tired and I just want to go to bed. Plus, I'm starting to get a bit hunger. Stupid ass male.

Finally, I had enough. I whipped around and charged at him. He stood his ground, and didn't move. I was getting annoyed. He shouldn't be so confident around me. "Seriously, what do you want?"

"Why did you kill Kane?" he asked.

"Because I always kill a wolf from every pack I visit," I said simply in a tone that sounded like I was stating the obvious. In my case, I kind of was.

"That's not what I mean," the black wolf said. "I charged at you first. You were supposed to kill me."

"Looks like someone does their research."

"You're not giving me an answer."

"And I don't have to," I said. "Now go. Leave me alone or a will kill you."

His eyes showed that he had no desire to go. "Nope. I think I'll stick with the bad ass rouge"

"Not if I don't let you," I stated.

He smiled at me. "You don't really have a say. It's a free country and I can just happen to go where ever you go."

"Not if I kill you," I pointed out.

"But you won't," he countered. "If you wanted to, you would've done it already."

I scrunched up my face. "God, you're annoying."

And that was how I became stuck with a male that wouldn't leave me the hell alone. That night, I'd shifted and slept in my hideout. He stayed by the entrance and curled up under a tree, still in wolf form.

Great, now I had two of some things I didn't want. A male and a follower. I kept telling myself that he'd get bored eventually and just leave. Yet, I knew I was lying to myself. This male had a drive. Nothing would stop him from following me. He wanted something from me, and I had to find out what it was.


January 23, 2011 (1:45 am)

Okay, for some reason I'm sweating and my eye's watering. I have no idea why I'm sweating considering I'm curled up in bed. And my eye, well smart ass me just poked myself in the eye. It's times like these where I wish I didn't have fingers....

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