parents for the day (fluff)

307 6 12

Clay POV (first person)

"Hiya Georgie. Remember we're babysitting my two nephews, Tommy and Tubbo today?", I asked George.

He groaned in remembrance and dramatically slammed his head on the kitchen counter.

"I swear, those 'kids' aren't the 5 year olds everyone sees them as. They're actually demons that WE have to babysit. They should call this demonsitting for fucks sake," he complained. "They're always out to get me. Me specifically. They are always sooo nice for you but they're the complete opposite for me. That's is so unfair!"

I giggled and recollected our past babysitting experiences with the twins. Before I was able to flashback at the past memories of us babysitting them, the doorbell rang repeatedly. I speedwalked to the front door and burst it open. There stood my older sister, and the two boys who were still pressing the doorbell. My sister looked dead. She had bags under her eyes and her shoulders were sagging. I sent her a pity smile and let the two boys in who immediately ran to George who was vibing on the couch. My sister left after a few minutes of chatting and I then went inside.

What I found in the living room was quite a scene. The couch pillows were thrown on the floor everywhere, some of the pillows had already been ripped and feathers were scattered, Tubbo was holding George down on the couch by sitting on his chest and trying to unlock his phone, while Tommy kept diving onto George's stomach without any breaks.

I laughed and scooped up Tubbo who was sitting on top of him and put him on my one of my shoulders. I then carefully picked up Tommy and set him on my other shoulder while also secretly grabbing George's phone. I threw his phone on top of his limp body on the couch who was just resting. He flinched and sent me a death glare when the phone hit his face (y'all are crazy if u say a phone falling on your face doesn't hurt. it hurts so fucking bad, u cant tell me otherwise).

He got up and stormed to the kitchen where he started flipping through cabinets. I sighed and started to ask the boys who were messing with my hair "Do you guys wanna go to sleep now? I know you just got here but when you wake up, you'll have even more energy!"

The two boys went silent. "If we are allowed to do what we want to Uncle Georgie after, then we will go to sleep", Tommy said.

I sighed and hesitated. "Alright fine. Go to sleep now okay?"

The two boys silently agreed and let me carry them to the spare bedroom. I opened the door with my elbow and then set them down comfortably on the bed. I exited the room and gently closed the room. I skipped downstairs and arrived to kitchen where I found George scrolling on his phone while eating a biscuit; his skirt swaying as he made small movements with his hips. His back was facing me and had his weight set to one foot (do y'all know what i mean?)

I smiled and walked in silently. I wrapped my arms around him and set my chin on top of his head. I moved my head so it was still resting on top of his but I could see his face. His mocha eyes were looking up at my jade ones and was wearing a barely noticeable smile.

"Hey baby, I put them to sleep. But, I made a deal with them... I let them do whatever they want to you after their nap."

George spun around and furrowed his eyebrows. "Clay! Why? They're going to be the end of me. I swear!" George complained while dragging the 'y' in 'why'.

"Don't worry baby! I'll only wake them up after my sister comes. You know those boys will sleep through anything," I replied sweetly.

He sighed a breath of relief and wrapped his arms around my waist. By now, my head was off his head while his chin was resting on my chest and he was looking up at me. I smiled and gave him a chaste peck on the lips. "Wanna go watch a movie?", I asked him.

He smiled and said "You bet,"

I smirked and then picked him up. Instead of holding him like I normally would, I slung him over my left shoulder. "CLaY! DoN't dRop mE PLeAse!", He said in between laughter.

I walked over to the couch and placed him down. I then followed him and sat down. He climbed into my lap and pulled a blanket over us while also grabbing the remote to hand to me. I flipped through the channels and picked Disney+ because I knew that was what he wanted. After scrolling through movies, we settled on the animated version The Lion King (this is the greatest movie ever).

During the movie, George had decided to move in between my legs while his legs was curled up to his chest and his head was pushed up against my clavicle. Before long, I heard a small thump upstairs and then an obnoxious creaking noise. I turned my head backwards to where I heard the noise. 

"Oh. My. God.", I mumbled.

George must've heard me because his head popped up to where I was looking. He had the same reaction as me. Tommy was wearing one of George's skirts which reached the ground from how short he was while also wearing his red lipstick all over his face and neck. Tubbo was ripping a few other skirts while having a few smudge marks of lipstick on his arms and cheeks.

I heard George whimper beside me at the sight. I picked him up and placed him next me. I then ran to the two boy and scooped them as they struggled against my grip, shouting "No! No! Let us go! Let us go right now! No! Let go!"

I put them on the carpeted floor and gave them a disappointed look once we were in the spare bedroom. I took away the skirts the two boys had managed to lay their hands on and put it into a corner. I helped Tommy put his pants back on properly and then took both of them to the bathroom to wash their faces and arms.

George POV (first person)

I heard Clay scolding them both and then the doorbell ring. I trudged over to the door and almost cried of happiness when I saw Clay's sister standing there. "Drista! Oh my god! You're here! Thank you thank you!"

She giggled and said "The boys are too much, huh?"

I nodded and then shouted "CLAY! DRISTA'S HERE!"

"ALRIGHT! I'LL BRING THEM DOWN IN A SEC!", he shouted back.

After a few moment, the two boys had sad expressions, wet clothes, and a hand holding each of Clay's hands.

"And here they are!", Clay said, stating the obvious.

Drista smiled and then picked up the two who clung onto her like leeches. She left after a small chat, leaving me and Clay.

"I never want kids," I said after staring into space.

Clay raised his eyebrows but fell into a chuckle. He pulled me closer so I was resting on his side and one of his hands moved their way over to my bare thigh which was left unprotected from the skirt which had ridden up. He gently squeezed it and said into my ear "Maybe sometime later yeah?"

I sighed happily and nodded against his chest after giving him a chaste kiss on his nose.

"Maybe. Just maybe,"

He smiled and pulled me closer and pressed his soft lips against my rosy coloured ones.


a/n okay guyssssss, what do ya think? i hope i didnt do too bad. if u want me to change some things, just message and i can add/change things! eat, drink, sleep!

word count: 1294

DNF OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora