A Mission

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Hey Heyy Heyyy!!

I just wanna say no hate to you if your name is Kina.

Happy Reading!



You were sitting with your sisters Shinobu and Kanao, in your front porch, when there was a knock on the door.

You were sitting with your sisters Shinobu and Kanao, in your front porch, when there was a knock on the door

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Y/n: Please come in!~

The door, slid open to reveal Rengoku and Kina.

Rengoku: Y/n-Chan! We have a mission together! Me, you and Kina! The mission will be a few days long, so please pack what ever you need! We'll be waiting outside your estate! 

Y/n: All right!~ I'll be right there!~

You gave your sisters a hug.

Shinobu: Please be careful Y/n-Nee-San~

Y/n: I will! Goodbye Shinobu-Chan~ Goodbye Kanao-Chan~

Shinobu waved you off while Kanao just gave a smile after you packed.

As you met up with Rengoku and Kina at the front of your estate, you greeted them with a smile.

Y/n: Hello Again~ I'm ready lets go!~

They both flashed you a smile before you all started following Rengoku's crow, to the destination.

As night approached, the crow informed you all that its time to rest now and that you'll all arrive at the place where the mission is taking place.

Rengoku: We leave at first light tomorrow!

Kina: Right!

Y/n: Alright~

As you and Rengoku unpacked your sleeping bags, Kina let out a loud sigh.

Rengoku: Kina? What's wrong?

Kina: I forgot to pack a sleeping bag...

You of course knew she didn't forget. She just didn't want to so she could share a sleeping bag with Rengoku.

Rengoku: If that's the case, use my sleeping bag! I'll be happy to sleep under the stars on the grass!

Her mouth slightly hung as you let out a little chuckle.

Y/n(mind): I guess she didn't get what she expected.

Kina: U-um...well...it is pretty cold, so we can share a sleeping bag if you like Rengoku-San-

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