The bird

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Now there were two more days until you would have to unlock the door. You sighed, before closing your notebook after re-reading everything to make sure you didn't miss any important information.

You then turned your doorknob and went outside to the one place you would find peace. The garden.

As you were walking to the front door, almost to the mansion, Shinobu stopped you in your tracks.

"Y/n, you've been acting different something bothering you?" she asked.

"Oh no, I couldn't be an better" you say although you weren't lying completely.

"Please don't lie, tell me what's bothering you. Can I help with it?"

Well, she was gonna find out today as you did decide you would tell her and the other hashiras over dinner tonight, but still. You would tell her tonight.

"I'll tell you tonight." you say with a smile, trying not to make her worry.

Before she could respond you walked away.

As you made your way to the garden, the strong scent of wisteria filled the atmosphere.

"Ah yes, its that time of year where Wisteria blooms, how beautiful." you say stepping closer to admire it.

Wisteria, with its lush, warm beauty, the plant represents love, fertility beauty, creativity, and long life. It can also symbolize things like patience and honor, too. The flower can live for more than 100 years, so it's often regarded as a symbol of everlasting wisdom.

As you stepped closer, you suddenly noticed something falling off a tree and from your view, you swear you saw it move.

You dashed forward and managed to catch it carefully in your hand. You calmly looked at your palm and saw it was an adorable white bird.

"Awwww you're so cute." you quietly cooed so the bird wouldn't fly away.

That's when you noticed that the bird couldn't fly. One of its wing seemed to be slightly bent back and bleeding. Its wing was definitely broken.

"Oh you poor thing. Don't worry I'll heal you." you say taking the bird up to your room.

You placed the bird on your bed. First you put some ointment on the bird's wing for it to heal fast. You then grabbed a pallet stick and cut it in half, to use as a cast for the bird. Lastly, you took some small pieces of medical tape and taped them onto the bird and then wrapped cloth around it.

"There, all done. Thanks for your patience." you said giving the bird a cute smile.

You were shocked when the bird snuggled up against you like it was giving you a hug and then it waddled over to your blanket and lay on it, soon falling asleep.

You wanted to scream because of the cuteness overload but you silently exited your room and wanted to go back to the garden, but you hadn't realized how quickly time had passed.

"Oh my its already five o' clock. Time to prepare dinner and send out the invites."

You went down to the kitchen and told Aoi and the other maids to start preparing a large feast. Then you went outside and ordered your crow to invite the hashiras for dinner, to which it left immediately.

Yes you invited Kina too.

Kina deserved to know about it too right?


Readers P.O.V

Readers: No she doesn't

Author: Yes she does its for my plot twist hehe.

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