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Ohhhh wowwwww, ya'll really blew this story up, thank you so much, I never thought this story would do so good hehe. 

So, below is a little chapter, think of it as a little reward for 9k views ;)
Or maybe it's not a reward because of the character's past I'm doing?
Let me know at the end!


Kina's Past

Young Kina POV

"Mom! Dad!" I grinned, as both my parents looked at me, including my older sister, Kate. 

"What is it, Kina?" Mom asked. 

"I finally learnt how to hold the katana properly! I even learnt a few stances and-" I was cut off by my dad.

"Your sister Kate already learnt the first four forms in her breathing style at your age, so that's nothing special, Kina." Dad added. 

"Mom....Dad....Don't be so hard on her...she is younger than me, after all," Kate sadly looked at them. 

"When you were her age, Kate, you were perfecting swordsmanship already yet your sister can barely hold her sword properly," Mom finished. 

"Why-Why are you all like this?! I'm not Kate and I'll never be....We all know Kate was born, with extraordinary power....So please stop comparing me to her, because I'll never meet her standards!" I yelled, tears filling my eyes. 

Mom and Dad laughed menacingly, as they both glared at me. 

"You think you can talk to us any way you like? Without us you'd never survive. And yes, Kate is indeed a special child. You'll never meet her expectations, not even if you tried." Mom said, her glare intensifying. 

"I HATE YOU!-" I was once more cut off with a hard slap on my cheek, from Dad. 

"Mom, Dad that's enough!!!" Kate exclaimed as she ran and stood protectively in front of me.

"I WISH THAT I COULD JUST DIE!!" I screamed, running out of the front door and into the nearby forest. 

"Kina!" I heard Kate say. 

"Mom, Dad she's not wrong for what she said, you both really need to stop comparing us...." Kate said as she glanced at my parents and then ran after Kina. 

It didn't take me long to reach up to me as I was resting under a tree, my breath uneven from all the running. 

I immediately went to her and hugged her. 

"Kina....I'm so sorry....please forgive Mother and Father..." Kate sighed and she caressed my hair. 

"I-I just hate them! They're always comparing me to you!" I cried. 

Kate stayed quiet, unsure about how to respond to my cries. 

As Kate was about to talk, someone interrupted her. 

"Why are you kids out here?" a man asked them, in a polite tone. 

He had curly black hair and red piercing eyes. He seemed quite shady. 

Kate's grip tightened on me. 

"We live nearby and we were just about to head back home-" Kate was cut off, with Mom and Dad, calling our names. 

"KATE! Are you alright?! JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET MY HANDS ON KINA!" Dad exclaimed. 

I shivered at those words in which the shady man seemed to notice. 

'She could be my key to obtaining my goal,' the stranger thought. 

"KINA COME HERE-" my mother was cut off, with the shady stranger, going straight up to her.

The stranger then placed his finger onto her forehead and moments later, mom exploded. The stranger immediately did the same thing to dad. 

There was blood everywhere, and it wasn't exactly a pleasant smell.

"Mom! Dad!" Kate exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. 

"And now you..." the shady man said as he strolled towards Kate. 

"W-who are you?" Kate asked, as he grinned.

"Muzan Kibutsuji." Muzan said as he pointed his finger at my sister and then she immediately exploded. 

Now, I had blood all over me.

"How do you feel now, little one?" Muzan asked.

I felt...somewhat satisfied and happy, it felt like all my fears and worries had just disappeared. 

"I feel safe now..." I reply. 

Muzan looked at you, taking a step closer. 

"In payment, I want you to do something for me." 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"You'll know when you're older, now come on, you can stay at my place." Muzan gently smiled, like he didn't just kill three people.


On becoming a hashira, there was one person who sparked my interest. She introduced herself to be Y/n L/n and she seemed to be nice, but the annoying thing was everyone seemed to wanna be her best friend.

'Not here too...' I thought.

"I'll just have to bare with her a little longer until Master takes his plan into action." I mumbled. 



Before Muzan and Kina knew that Y/n had the key and was the 'chosen one', they originally planned to kill all the hashiras and The Master, but when they found out Y/n had the key, they decided to put the plan into action a bit sooner than it was originally planned, because they wanted to take Y/n and they others by surprise and well Kina had heard all the information that Y/n gave and she told Muzan so they knew what to do and when to come.


Anddd that's the end!

Does your opinion on Kina change?
Mine doesn't, I still don't like her.

Thanks for 9k views!!!

-Stay safe until my next update<3


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