Chapter-18 Invideus

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Jeongguk was taken by surprise and opens his mouth to say something but Taehyung shuts him up with his slender finger on his lips, Jeongguk was rendered speechless and just nods. Taehyung glances at Mihael, the Prince was shivering in fear searching for a way to run from the place. Yoongi blocks his every move. Iyayi and Ajak standing outside the cell watch in horror as the dark mist keep growing, they take out their swords, and their special guards cover up for them, afraid and confused about the situation. Iyayi asks “What is going on? What is this?”

He wanted to take his son away from there but hearing the hissing sound from the mist like a serpent woke up in anger, he halts, backing away. Mihael calls for his father to save him, his arm starts to rotten again, turning bluish and purple, with piercing pain, Iyayi just stands there unable to say or move, the senior guard order his fellows.

“Tighten the cover around His Majesty and His Highness, the Crown Prince, nothing should come their way” The guards quickly bow forming a cover around Iyayi and Ajak. Mihael watches it in shock, by Crown Prince they meant Ajak not him. He seethes in anger and stops struggling sitting back in the corner behind Yoongi.  Jimin closes his eyes chanting and forms a barrier for the five of them, they had to take care of Mihael, until the devil shows himself in true form. The sound of rustling and hissing comes from the mist. 

Yoongi squints his eyes to see what is inside it, a strong reptile tail attacks the barrier, its black skin shining with the light as the barrier breaks, Yoongi flinches stepping back. Taehyung turns to Jimin “Calm down your anger, don’t rush” He says, voice deep and soothing as Jimin’s temper fluctuates affecting his barrier.  Jimin nods several times and chants again, clenching, unclenching his fist. 

The angel then turns to Jeongguk keeping his eyes on the noxious mist “Cover the Prince, he is a vessel and should not be taken away” He says. Jeongguk nods standing near Mihael, who was crying and trembling in pain and fear.  Jeongguk bends to come face to face with the Prince “Try to not give me a reason to slit your throat” He says each word slowly, a menacing smile on his face, the Prince backs away more, fearing him more than the mist in front of them. Jeongguk feels satisfied standing up again, the smile wipes off his face as he sees the mist turning into a figure, an outline forming in the mist.

“I didn’t expect there to be guests,” The devil says, his tail moves slowly on the barrier, touching and poking it, Jimin hisses each time it struck hard on the barrier, making the devil enjoy and laugh at it. 

“The more the merrier” He laughs again and the air stops in the dungeon as if being sucked by the mist, Yoongi feels goosebumps on his body, several snakes crawl from the devil’s body around in the cell attacking the barrier and spreading out everywhere in the dungeon, their hissing fills the place, the guards of Kings kills them as they approach them, but the number keeps on increasing.

“Take us out from here” Iyayi shouts. The guards wipe their sweat killing the snakes but the floor was covered in them unable to be seen, it was impossible to move. The snakes pierce their fangs on the guards defending the King, covering their bodies in black mist making even their bones disappear. Seeing their numbers and effect, Jeongguk commands the guards “Close the gate to the dungeon, don’t let them go out” The guards afraid of the things happening there, run towards the gate, and Iyayi shouts at them back.

“Don’t close it, how will we walk out” Ajak was about to faint, scared to death, he curses himself for coming down here. Yoongi kills several snakes, glancing at Iyayi in anger “Then do you want to wipe out your family” This makes the King shut his mouth and use his sword clumsily to help in saving themselves. Golden light shines from Taehyung’s palm and soon spreads throughout the cell, burning all the snakes. An amused chuckle brings their attention back to the devil.

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