Chapter-43 His Highness Hansen

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Eiji marks several places on the map as suitable areas to camp the civilians for a while until they find a safe route to evacuate and protect them. He also informs Taehyung of the routes from where it will be easy to infiltrate Amarus. Taehyung nods and stares at the palace marked on the map, they had both decided to get into the capital and save the innocents. The informant in his last moment was very scared and told how death lingered over the residents of the city, it was still unknown what situation they will face as soon as they enter the capital, the best thing was to be prepared in advance. 

They decide to break into two groups the three immortals will directly face the enemy while Eiji and his men will save people from the devil’s army and when Taehyung weakens down the enemy they will attack to win over them. This was all just their plans they still had to go out and make people agree to join them. Eiji quickly gathers his men and sends information to other Kingdoms to join in the fight with immortals and meet at certain points. Jimin prepares a portal for them, the warriors hesitate but go in following their master. 

The portal opens near the city a gush of cold wind welcomes them causing a shiver as they enter, the capital was quiet and only a few could be seen hiding or packing things to run away. The place looked like it has seen something awful, the lanterns and decorations were ruined and lying on the ground, the shops were wide open but no one was inside, smoke was coming out from some places and the air in the place was dry and chill carrying a suffocating scent. Eiji saw the doll lying on the floor and noticed the footprints on it, it seemed that people here ran for their lives. 

He asks his men to check all the houses and see if somebody is still inside, his men follow orders quickly while the rest walks ahead with him, they had less time and much work to do. They see an old man busy grabbing things lying on the road. The old man glances at them then again busy himself to pack or steal things and make his way out of this damned capital while murmuring something not clear to them. 

They pass the place and reach their first checkpoint taking control of the guarding points and obtaining their positions. To Eiji there was an unsettling feeling with how smoothly things were going, as someone already knew their plan and wanted them to take positions to start the game, this caused a sudden chill in his body as he stares at the map. His people unaware of the dangers that might welcome them quickly work on rescuing the innocent and fight the one against them, they quiet down whoever tries to make noise and walk in practiced moves already aware of the city routes and thereby slowly taking down the guards. 

It was planned that they will try to rescue children, women, and the elderly first and then wait for the army of the devil to get weakened to attack them. The army was strong and couldn’t be taken by mortals until it has considerably weakened which can only happen when Xerith and Hybreus are taken down. Thus, Eiji plans to move the innocents to the shelter and then wait for the battle to begin.

Though there were hurdles on the way, while many civilians join them in fear, some run away or kill themselves to be saved from the wrath. The people of Amarus seemed to have changed, the beliefs that have made them proud and above others have shattered, they looked broken, lost, and restless not knowing what is happening just talking about death and waiting and losing the spirit to fight. Some had joined hands with the devil while some put themselves to death to not face the devil. It was a more gruesome scene in the heart of the city, the place was a mess, and people were desperate and in chaos. Eiji tries to save many children from their parents to not put them to death. The city was in a panic mode and anywhere they looked was death glooming over.

Eiji’s men wipe the sweat on their faces and keep struggling to control the people and change their mindset, if not controlled they forcibly put them in the shelter to not cause problems in their work. It seemed like the city was totally turned upside down in just a night, people were begging and crying for mercy and afraid to even pray in fear the devil will know about it. 

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