Chapter-40 The last Zuershian

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Rielel stares at the scrolls and the map in front of him while still frowning at the matter of losing another devil, he opens the sleeves and sees the effects on his body then trembles in anger. If not because of the foolishness of the brothers' things could have been better on another level, he seethes in anger just thinking about it. Then suddenly a voice breaks the silence in the room that was covered in all kinds of literary works, it was like a hum but the sound made Rielel shiver and look around in nervousness. The light of the lamps flickers almost turning the place to darkness and then goes back to normal as if a gush of wind passed through.

Rielel stares at the flame when suddenly dark misty hands with sharp, long, and pointed black nails and pale fingers, cover his eyes and chuckles in a deep tone that can cause shivers in the spine. “This devil likes the smell of fear, it makes me want to taste the soul of the person.” The voice says then chuckles in amusement. 

Rielel inhales sharply, his lips quivering a bit, his persona losing the demeanor of the barbaric King, looking like a scared pet in the room. The dark mist engulfing him from behind and suppressing him with the deathly aura points its index finger towards the map laid out on the desk. “It is quite fun to have someone so ambitious but the sand of time is flowing very fast”

Rielel gulps and speaks up in fear of life “This is not my time yet, you can’t go back on what you promised” 

The laughter echoes in the room again making the flame in the room dim and the dark cloud gather outside in the sky “Maybe I am not patient enough, it has been so long since I have been helping you” The sound of thunder outside make Rielel almost jump in his seat.

Rielel straightens up and tries to negotiate, sweat covering his forehead “The devils are not being easy, they are plotting against me” he complains.

The voice laughs “I know Xerith is emotional and Hybreus has a silent way of acting but are they yours to tame?”

“Didn’t you say, I will be holding the power, moreover a harm to them affects me” Rielel hesitates then continues “ I am the one to fill up the losses”

The voice laughs again this time along with it comes loud noises of the wind howling and raindrops falling on the glass panes, “You thought you could control a devil? Controlling them like me…” The mist moves like a wind in the room extinguishing the lamps near Rielel and a black silhouette stands in front of the window facing the capital outside. Its wings slowly close, big and feathery dark wings having an oppressive presence. Rielel kneels in fear, his hands trembling.

“The one who tried to control it have their souls eaten up by me” the silhouette fixedly looks outside “I was right to choose you…the resentment mortals have for you makes your soul mouth-watering” Rielel clenches his fist as his heart trembles hearing those words.

“I want some more time, as soon as I conquer all the Kingdoms I can offer you more souls filled with resentments, hatred, ambition…whatever you want I can offer you then, we can both rule the place together,” Rielel says crazily losing his wits over wanting to live.

“Do you think you stand the chance to rule next to me, human” The voice roars, the wings flutter and Rielel feels a sting on his cheeks he checks it only to find the cuts and blood dripping from it.

Rielel feels his blood boil at being so powerless in front of this devil but he was the one who brought this creature to his life. At first, when he had nothing and was teased senseless by others in the palace for being just a baby born out of lust, he resented everyone, even his father and mother. Then one day he found a man in a cloak near the palace. The stranger looked weak and pale and asked Rielel to give him something to eat. 

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