Chapter-24 Carry me

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The calls of the vendors, laughter, and chattering of the crowd as they walk on the street surround the place, the ladies come out of their houses and place big earthen pots outside their door and start preparing the fire to cook a meal, this was done by all present there, rest were just happy and preparing other things for the feast. The children run out to play, their smiles looking different than the normal child of their age with tiny, sharp, and pointed canines peeking from their mouths. Jeongguk feels odd watching the scene in front of him he turns to ask the opinions of others only to find them smiling and excited looking around. This place looks so lively and the people around looked so beautiful and happy, Jeongguk felt like he was hallucinating.

“What is going-“ Jeongguk wanted to make sense of the situation but is pulled by Taehyung to join the crowd. Taehyung holds his wrist dragging him along in the middle of the street filled with crowd, excitement evident in those eyes. Jimin and Yoongi follow them with equal enthusiasm.

“I am so hungry,” He says rubbing his stomach, the demon and human agreed to him with the nod of their head, they were not able to move their eyes from particular vendors selling aromatic and greasy food, the vendors were the only exceptions who had no pots to prepare food like the other houses were preparing, despite their loud shouts no one was buying anything from them or even looking at them but this didn’t dishearten them, they still held the same smile and vigor. Jeongguk frowns he too felt the urge but it is not that strong compared to these three, he was more surprised with Taehyung being influenced by it.

It looked like most people were just walking leisurely in the place without any aim or motive to buy anything, they all had smiles on their faces, a few just watching the crowd. They would all turn their eyes and look at the four of them with hungry eyes as they pass these people and then avert their vision as if nothing happened. Jeongguk felt like they were the target of many in the crowd, he wanted to tell the three to be aware of their surrounding but it seemed like none of them bothered.

“Oh look what is going on there!” Taehyung exclaims coming to a place where several people were gathered around a woman as she holds the hands of a shy maiden telling her future. He stands quietly watching them, Yoongi snorts looking at the woman wearing a black veil covering her eyes and the bridge of her nose, she was very old, her lips were chapped, her veiny hands had long nails and several multicolored bangles, and she also had a pot with her in which something nasty was being cooked which could be detected by the aroma and the color of the liquid but no one was affected by it, several cards were lying in front of her. 

She smiles registering their presence and eyes on her and says “Make way for the gentleman, I can see he is new here” The crowd follows her instruction, giving way to the group, they glance at each of them hungrily, a smile spreading on their lips and then without a word they disperse.

Taehyung turns to Jeongguk pointing at himself “Is she talking about me?” He asks innocently. Jeongguk just nods unsure of what to make of this entire situation.

“Yes, you gentleman, I am calling you, come sit give me a chance to tell your future” Taehyung smiles wide quickly sitting in the place, excitedly glancing at his companions and then back at the granny. The old woman holds his hands in her rough and veiny ones, then chants something, her bony chin looked more prominent with the thin layer of skin on her face, she smiles making her wrinkles tense more and showing her canines which contradicts her next serious statement.  

“Dark cloud of death is floating over your head, you should not get yourself involved in the nature of happenings….I can only see darkness in your future-“

Taehyung chuckles hearing it “This wanderer was expecting something good” He pauses, a thought passes through his mind and his lips turn upward into a brilliant smile as he says “Tell me something else like you told to the beautiful maiden before”

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