Into the... Wardrobe?

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Marigold's POV

It's been a few days since the children arrived and it's been an adventure every day.

I woke up at my usual time and started doing my regular chores. As I approached the Professor's door, I could hear him humming and some rhythmic tapping on the floor. Was he dancing or doing something else? I never knew what to expect from the Professor at times.

I knocked on his door, balancing a tray with his morning tea, a pouch of tobacco to refill the silver apple, and his breakfast. I heard him scurry to his desk, which made me chuckle.

"Come in!" His cheery voice rang through the door. I let myself in and saw his clean desk in front of him. I placed the tray right in front of him and he clapped excitedly.

"What has you all excited, Professor? I'm sure I thought you were dancing while I was outside the door." I asked him, chuckling at his childlike behavior.

"Oh, that's rather embarrassing but yes I was, I couldn't help it! And let's just say it's a surprise - You'll find out later. Say, remember when you were younger and you would roam the house and get into trouble?" He suddenly asks me.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked him, confused as to where this was going. "I'm wondering if some of the kids will be the same way, maybe I should get you and Mrs. Macready to lock some of the doors..." He trails off, starting to eat his breakfast. I chuckled at his statement.

"Mrs. Macready has already beaten you to that thought. She has most of the rooms in the West and North Wings locked." I laughed. "Of course she does." The Professor chuckled to himself, still eating.

"Mari, dear. Could I ask you something?" He asked me and I nodded slowly, trying to figure out his game. "Why have you never left? And don't say it's because of me." He asked with a small chuckle at the end. 

"Well, I've just never had a reason to go anywhere else. I'm treated well here, and I have a good life. No other place seems appealing to me. There would only be two reasons why I would leave." I say.

"And those are?" He asked me. "One, you ask me to." I said.

"Never." He quickly commented, making me chuckle. "And two, if I got too lonely and want a husband." I finish.

"Do you want a husband?" He asked me and I paused. "I mean, of course. But... well... I don't need one. The life I have now is more than enough. I love you all and that's all I need." I said.

"Don't you ever want kids?" He asked me, finishing his food. "I would love to have kids but with how things are right now... with the war... and being husbandless... it just seems my life didn't work out that way." I trailed off.

"That's understandable. But another question, do you believe in fate?" He asked me.

"Professor, where is all of this coming from?" I asked him, wondering why he was asking me all these deep questions suddenly. "Just an old man's curiosity, dearie." He gave an awkward laugh that wasn't convincing. "But do you?" He asked again, staring at me intently.

"I guess? I mean, I would say it was fate that you hired my dad and we are now sitting here because of that." I said, but it was more of a question.

The Professor's face lit up in excitement again and he looked at the clock beside him. "I'll tell you what, why don't you go grab one of my long coats from the wardrobe in the North Wing?" He asked me and I looked at him confused.

"Sir, it's hotter than a boiling tea kettle outside..." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm aware. And please get the blue one. It's way, way in the back." He said with a mischievous smile.

Pure Heart // Aslan x OC Reader // Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now