Flower Queen

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1 Day until the children arrive

Marigold's POV

Aslan stared at me with an expression I couldn't quite understand. I knew that this conversation probably wasn't going to be nice since I wasn't supposed to leave the camp, but Aslan said that he understood that I had to follow the pull of the magic...

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him, breaking the tense silence between us.

"I... I want to be. But I can't." He sighed, still frustrated.

"I don't regret leaving the camp." I told him.

"You got hurt." He argued.

"I saved someone's life." I argued back.

"You still got hurt!" He growled at me making me whimper instinctively.

Realizing that he scared me he quickly took a deep breath, calmed down, and apologized.

"I'm sorry... I just... When I couldn't find you this morning, my gut wouldn't stop turning and the deep magic in me was telling me that something was wrong. I know the Narnian you saved said you defended yourself and put up a fight but I just can't help but think of the 'what if's." He expressed.

"I know this might sound strange but... being a lioness comes naturally to me. Like, yeah, it was a little weird a first. But this somehow feels better than two hands and two feet. The fighting came naturally to me like I had been doing it my whole life. The 'what if's never crossed my mind at all." I ranted. There was a beat of silence before I finished my thought. "You don't need to worry about me getting hurt."

"It wasn't just about you getting hurt, it was that I didn't know where you were, if you were in danger, how you were feeling - everything! I was worried about you..." He breathed out. "I hate that I don't know what's happening when it comes to you! I can look out into the forest and see the woodland creatures that are hiding! I've known about Mr. Badger for a hundred years! I saw the death of his family from my own bed! I've seen the creation of the world and I am known to others as the wisest creature alive! But today... I knew nothing. I couldn't see where you were, I couldn't find you or sense you! Anything regarding you is unknown to me, and I'm not used to it and it's frustrating..." Aslan stressed, looking away from me and to the ground.

Although I was touched by his worry for me, I was more worried for him. I sensed his distress and walked over to him. When I got to him, he was still looking down. I brushed my head against his in comfort.

"I'm sorry that I scared you, I really didn't mean to. You're the last person I would ever want to hurt." I told him sincerely.

"I'm just relieved you're back safe... with me." He said, brushing his head back on mine. The tension in the air faded away slowly.

I'm not sure what it was but... something changed in me. While we comforted each other, I felt this warm feeling in my heart and throughout my body. It reminded me of the fireplace back at the Professor's mansion during the winter. That feeling when, after being outside in the snow, you stood next to the fire - the heat - and all your muscles just relax and you don't want to be anywhere but next to that fire. Being like this, with him, just felt... right.

"How can I ease your stress, Aslan?" I asked him gently, my head in his neck, unmoving. My head fit under his head almost like a puzzle piece.

"Can we just... stay here... for a minute... or maybe five?" He said causing both of us to chuckle lightly.

"Yes." I answered just above a whisper. I lowered my back legs and sat down, my head still fitted under his. He did the same and we sat there together, his head on mine for a while. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling, not caring if the five minutes were up - but it seems like he didn't care either.

Pure Heart // Aslan x OC Reader // Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now