The Arrival

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Third POV

There was silence in the entire valley, forest, and river when two roars echoed through the air. The two roars were the sign that everyone had been waiting for, and the magic in the air shifted. Suddenly, the prophecy of the Creator and his flower filled everyone's heads. Those who didn't know it before were now aware of it, and those who had forgotten it were reminded. Everyone understood that this lioness had something to do with the prophecy, but no one knew how, as the prophecy referred to a flower, not a lioness.

Despite the confusion, everyone felt that things were about to change for the better. The Witch's magic was weakening, and the word had already spread that the children of Adam and Eve had arrived. There was now a chance that the prophecy would come true, which would allow Aslan to become stronger.

Father Christmas gazed up at the lioness perched on the rocks, regarding her with awe as if she held the answer to all the world's questions. The magnificent creature was both powerful and regal, yet exuded a gentle and kind aura.

"Now we really need to get you to Aslan." Father Christmas said to the lioness.

"Please." Marigold implored, descending from the rocks with eagerness to make it to the camp.

The camp was quiet as everyone looked at the Great Lion standing outside his tent. He was desperately searching from hill to hill for the lioness whose call he had responded to. Nobody in Narnia had ever heard of a lioness before, as Aslan was the only lion in Narnia and he was the only one of his kind. Aslan seemed determined to find her in those hills; something had changed in him and people noticed it. Normally, they saw him as a wise and collected King, but now he looked like a lost and desperate child, eagerly searching for something.

The King turned to his trusted General, Oreius. 

"A lioness." Aslan breathed. "But I don't understand. My prophecy..."

Aslan was aware of everything - everything except the answers to his prophecy. That was the way the deep magic worked. He knew about a flower that would help him become stronger, but he was curious about the identity of the lioness and why his soul was drawn to her. 

"Neither do I, but both of us know the deep magic has its way of taking us by surprise." Oreius responded. 

Aslan pondered over the words spoken by the centaur. The deep magic was mysterious in its own way, but he was certain that the lioness he had encountered was a part of the flower prophecy. He needed to find her as soon as possible. Without wasting any time, he swiftly made his way out of the camp and sprinted towards the hills.


Marigold's POV

As Father Christmas and I rode towards the camp, the pull of magic on my heart grew stronger. We both understood the significance of the prophecy and knew that the magic was leading me towards Aslan. 

"Are you ready to meet the only other lion in the country?" Father Christmas asked me with a smile. 

"Not really, but I don't really have a choice do I?" I said with a nervous chuckle. There was a beat of silence between us until I spoke up.

"What does it mean by our destinies being intertwined?" I asked him. 

"It could mean also sorts of things... It could mean sharing power, creating a friendship, being in each other's lives, falling in love, or accomplishing something together. In essence, all we know is that you two are meant to know each other in some way." He explained to the best of his ability.

He could see that I wasn't satisfied with that answer. "The deep magic never gives you a straight answer, I learned that a long time ago." He chuckled. I nodded to him, understanding that he was doing the best he could too.

Pure Heart // Aslan x OC Reader // Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now