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Third POV

Aslan woke up to a bright light, his eyes squinting at it. He quickly got up, feeling the sand underneath him. He looked around and saw that he was on a beach, an endless sea before him in the distance.

He knew he was dead, of course, but he thought he'd be in his True Narnia - but this wasn't it. He looked around and felt his whiskers twitch in the breeze, the absence of the Deep Magic was a strange feeling.

"My son." A deep voice rang out from the clouds above him.

"Father." Aslan responded, recognizing the voice and looking above to where he could see his father's face formed in the shapes of the white clouds.

"You have done well, Aslan." The Emperor of the Sea echoed.

"What?" Aslan questioned.

"You sacrificed yourself for the boy and kept your promise to Marigold." His father answered back.

"Why am I here and not--" "You were never meant to leave Narnia so early, my son." His father interrupted him.

"But I allowed Jadis to kill me. That was the Deep Magic's plan, wasn't it?" Aslan asked out.

"I cannot reveal what the Deep Magic has planned, only that it isn't done with you yet. The Deep scripture states that the Stone Table will crack and death itself will trade sides when an innocent dies in a traitor's stead - which is exactly what you've done." The Emperor's voice echoes.

"So, I was never meant to die... the Deep Magic knew that. Why didn't I know about the rule, I read the scripture countless times?" Aslan asked.

"It was not in the scrolls, it's on the Stone Table itself, written in writing that I had kept hidden from you. If you knew the rule about the Stone Table then the love in the sacrifice wouldn't be real - since you'd know that you'd come right back. You sacrificed yourself out of love, not knowledge, and that's the only way it works." His father explained.

"So, I can go back?" Aslan clarified.

"Yes, and it is time to return and fulfill the prophecy of evil's downfall and fulfill the rest of yours." His father announced.

"But I thought..." Aslan didn't understand, he thought it already had been fulfilled.

"Only the first part, dear son. You and Marigold's destinies are intertwined, you cannot live without each other which is why she has chosen to stay with you and leave her world behind." He explained.

"But she's human again, how can I..." Aslan trailed off.

"You wish to know how to love her?" His father finished.

Remembering his father knew everything, he wasn't shocked when he knew that he loved her.

"How can I when I am beast and she is of Eve?" Aslan questioned.

"Am I not the I AM? Did I not make man's mouth? Who makes them mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? I have made both of your hearts - and I will make you both of the same again." His father's voice boomed, making the sea waves pick up and the sand shift beneath him.

Aslan's body glowed and his bones cracked - it was painless but Aslan could feel himself changing. His paws turned into hands and feet while his snout shortened and his shoulders grew smaller. He was human.

"Do not fear, Aslan. For you still are the Great Lion. But just as Marigold was gifted another form, so have you. You both are free to shift as you like, loving each other as both animal and human." His father told him.

"Thank you, Father." Aslan smiled up at the clouds.

"Go, my son, and love her. Love her and love Narnia once more." His father finished.

Pure Heart // Aslan x OC Reader // Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now