Chapter 16: The Date that was Faked

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Chapter 16 everybody! Thank you everybody for voting, commenting, and reading! You guys are amazing!! :D


Chapter 16: The Date that was Faked

"Catman?" Gwen asked with a little snicker following.

"Blame the journal," I sighed, putting my head down on the table. "It was a rough night."

Her laughter grew a bit louder, "So I've heard. Right Logan?"

It was silent for a moment and when I looked up, I saw Logan staring daggers at Nay and Danny, who were huddled in each other's arms.

"Danny, I'm scared," Naomi whispered not so quietly.

"I know what you mean. I can feel my soul being sliced into bits right now," Daniel whispered back. "Pipe, control your hair abuser!"

"Yeah, before his watch attacks our hair!" Naomi burst out laughing along with her boyfriend.

Gwen joined them, leaving Logan and I to awkwardly glance at each other and move a few more inches apart. You know, for hair safety reasons. When I scooted to the very edge of the bench, I realized that Ryan wasn't there.

"Hey, do you guys know where Ryan is?" I asked.

Gwen shook her head, "No, he wasn't in third period with me. He's probably sick or something. But onto more pressing matters," she turned on her brother, "Logan, you never actually told me how you got your hand stuck in Piper's hair. Want to elaborate?"

He scowled and took a huge bite out of his apple.

Ah. Now I see what he was saying about stress eating.

"He was just pushing my hair out of the way," I said innocently.

"D'aww, who knew my bro was such a romantic?" Gwen cooed.

I suddenly felt that awkward feeling I had with Logan at the bus stop. I didn't like it. What had I done? Maybe if I keep talking I'll make the situation more light-hearted...

"Logan was just being a good friend. I mean, I mess with his hair all the time," I laughed awkwardly as I ruffled up his dark hair. It was surprisingly soft. I'll have to ask him if he uses some special mix of Dove shampoo because this was like rubbing silk!

"What. Are. You. Doing?" The harshness of Logan's words snapped me out of my shampoo-related thoughts.

My hand was perched on his head. "Giving my good friend a hair ruffle, of course!"

"Well stop it."

I recoiled and faced Gwen with an over eager smile. "See? Good friends!"

Everyone was looking at me. This time, I knew what I had done stupidly. I thought that going on all these dates were supposed to help me with my people skills, not make them worse!

"Uh-huh..." Gwen trailed off. She turned to Danny and Naomi. "So! How was your guys' anniversary?"

Ugh, I felt so stupid.


I took a deep breath of the fresh air. School was finally over and I couldn't wait to go home. Ah, take a nap, get homework done, and curl up with whatever book I haven't read at least three times already. Life is good.

Or that was what I thought until I was grabbed from behind. A strong arm wrapped around my waist as a hand was clamped over my mouth and I was dragged behind a couple of bushes.

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