Chapter 24: Review in Dating Lessons

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Look at me, updating so quickly! :D Well, anyways, as I always say to you guys, I can't thank you enough from all the encouragement I have gotten for this story, but I'll thank you anyway! Thank you so much!!


Chapter 24: Review in Dating Lessons

I was laying down on the couch, getting my fix of Fairly Odd Parents, when the doorbell rang. I groaned and pulled the blanket over me tighter, acting like I was in the process of crystallization and I couldn’t be removed from my cocoon.

“Lexi!” I yelled. “Get the door!”

There was another ring and Lexi came down the stairs to answer it. When she opened the door, I assumed it was some package delivery for my mom or an annoying salesman.

“You’re Lexi, right?” I heard a recognizable voice.

“Yep,” she popped the ‘P’.

“Well Lexi, could you get you get your sister for me?”

I glanced up and saw Logan at the door.

“Logan!” I gasped as I flipped on the floor, forgetting that I was still wrapped in my blanket. I inched my way around the couch until I was looking up at the two from the floor. “What are you doing here?”

Lexi turned to Logan with her hands on her hips, “You better make my sister happy, got that Bub? She’s been looking like crap—”

“Lexi, we don’t say ‘crap’,” my mom called from her office.

“Okay, she’s been looking like dog poo since yesterday, and she doesn’t need to get any uglier, understand?” Lexi poked his stomach.

Logan looked at me with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face, but he turned back to Lexi with three fingers raised by his head, “I promise to not make your sister any uglier, scout’s honor.” He leaned down and I could barely make out his whisper, “As if she could get any worse.”

I glared while my sister started giggling. “You’re funny, and yet speak the truth. I like you.”

“Lexi. Out. Now!” I yelled from my worm position.

“Fine, fine.” She waved goodbye and headed back upstairs.

“I’m gonna kill her after I kill you,” I grumbled as I unwrapped myself and stood up to my full height. “So what are you doing here?”

I saw the smirk on his face reappear as he took me in, “Nice PJs.”

I glanced down and noticed I was still in my rubber ducky pajamas. I wrapped the blanket around me again, “Don’t make fun of the duckies.”

He shook his head, his grin growing, “I’m not. I said they were nice, didn’t I?”

“Well then you should have brought Batman and we would have had the ultimate of all ultimate PJs,” I sneered. “And you still didn’t answer my first question, why are you here?”

“Hurtful. So hurtful,” he said as he sauntered over to the couch. “But if I must tell you, Naomi wanted me to come over and check on how you were doing.” He craned his neck so he was looking at me over the back, “I heard that you didn’t spend the night at her house because you were sick?”

I looked down at my toes and noticed how interesting my peeling nail polish was.

“And because she was crying!” Lexi yelled from up the stairs.

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