Chapter 23: Everyone Hates Real Tear JERKers

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Once again, hello everybody! Thank you for all the comments and votes! It really does mean a lot me, so thank you once again. You guys are awesome and amazing!

Just as a warning (nothing serious or anything) but this chapter doesn't have as much humor in it, so don't be disappointed when it doesn't show up as often as it did in the other chapters.


Chapter 23: Everyone Hates Real TearJERKers

“Oh, you are so busted!” Nay said when I arrived at her house the next day.

I gave her a confused look, but she just stepped aside and led me into her house. She turned to her boyfriend, who was sitting on the couch with her laptop and instructed, “Daniel, explain to Pipe why she is so busted.”

He gave me a grin. “I’m sorry about this Pipe, but how could I pass up this wonderful opportunity to laugh?”

I went over and sat next to him. “What are you talking about?”

He turned the computer so we could both see, “Just this morning, I woke up to find this in my e-mail.”

He opened the file and instantly, a shaky, but clear video came up of Logan and I doing our crappy dance moves during his grandparents’ anniversary party. In the background, you could distinctly hear Gwen and Ryan’s giggling and laughter.

“The Worm has been disgraced and Logan has ruined the whole concept of breakdancing!” Danny said as he kept rewinding the Spazzing Seal and horrible popping-and-locking. “Got to get this burned on a disk.”

I giggled at the memory of it. “We rocked the dance floor, that’s all I have to say.”

Nay shook her head and grabbed my bags to put in her room. “Okay, Miss Pipe. This is your eleventh date. Just be able to make it through this one and the next and you’ll be home free.”

“Thank goodness,” I groaned as sunk against the couch. “I don’t know how much I can take of this.”

She flickered her wrist and sat down on the other side of me as Danny commented, “Eh, it’ll all be over soon.”

“Yeah!” Nay encouraged. “Instead of thinking about it being something that is probably going to end up horribly like it usually does, why not tell us about your da…aaaay with Logan. It certainly looked fun,” she said quickly with a grin.

I gave her a strange look, but shrugged. “It was good, I suppose. Oh! Except for the part where we got trapped in the elevator together. That was a nightmare.”

I ignored the blush coming to my cheeks. Oh come on! I hadn’t even said anything stupid yet!

Danny let out a laugh, “Well, did anything happen with two? Alone. In the dark.”

I shook my head. “No, it wasn’t really dark, Logan found a flashlight. And not that much happened, just that we had a fight over Tic Tacs and ended up making s’mores.”

“Aww, that’s so cute!” Naomi gushed while Danny slapped his forehead. “Well, you’re dancing looked horrible, but at least you guys ended up making the best of it. See? Why can’t you have this kind of attitude when you’re on your dates?”

“Do we need to send you with a packet of s’mores?” Danny asked.

I laughed a little. “No, that’s okay. It’s probably because Logan’s my friend and we can be stupid around each other. Like how you guys are.”

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