2: Katie

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KATIE'S POVSeptember 2nd

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September 2nd

Luckily, the next morning it was Sunday and I didn't have to brave Forks High School— at least not yet. This morning, when I woke, it seemed that both Bella and Charlie had already left the house. A few notes had been left on the counter, assuring me that I could help myself to anything in the house and that I could explore wherever I wanted to.

I spend most of the day unpacking and decorating my bedroom. It was fairly basic, at least in comparison to my old room- I had only  hung up a few movie posters and pictures by the time Bella returned home. She seemed enthusiastic to help me move books onto my bookcase, although she often accidentally dropped them or tripped over her own feet. She was very clumsy, but in all honesty it was funny. I laughed at her a couple of times, unable to help myself, and she had laughed with me. It was moments like these that I really felt like we could definitely be friends.

By the time Charlie had gotten home, my room was fully decorated and unpacked. The first of the narrow bookshelves gradually shifted from my Dad's old books and my Mom's annotated copies to my own collection of Jane Austin, Victor Hugo, and the Brontë sisters. On the other side of the bookshelf, I had arranged shelves full of romance and fantasy books that I enjoyed, separated alphabetically by author. That had been Bella's idea— I had stared at the bookcase for ages before she suggested it, and everything just clicked after that.

On my desk, I had other miscellaneous books lined upright, flush against the wall. Next to them were cups of pens and pencils as well as other typical office supplies. To the left of the desk, crammed next to the window, I had a stool on which my turntable was balanced and a crate underneath with a wide array of vinyl. My Mom and I had thrifted most of these— Johnny Cash, Queen, and Elvis were some of the highlights.

"Vinyl over CDs?" Bella had asked as she helped me place the stool over the crate.

In response, I opened up one of the drawers in the desk to show her my CD collection. "Trust me, I have plenty of CDs. I love music." I admitted, smiling at her.

"Me too," Bella says quietly, looking through my collection. "Green Day? Nice." She frowns, as if remembering something, and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you play an instrument? I think I went to one of your choir concerts."

I laugh, jerking my head to the closet. "My guitar is in there. I don't play too much anymore... but I still love to sing."

Speaking of the closet, it was a hot mess. It had taken over an hour to fold, hang, and figure out where to put my clothes in the closet, which had a small dresser and limited hanging space. Luckily, I hadn't brought too many clothes, but I still struggled to figure out how to arrange everything so it could fit. I still hadn't gotten it exactly right— all of my jackets and sweatshirts still lie folded on top of the dresser. Luckily, there was a narrow shelf above the hanging space that had perfectly fit all of my shoes.

𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | jacob blackWhere stories live. Discover now