12: Katie

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KATIE'S POVJanuary 21st

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January 21st

The next day, I feel in a daze. To clear my head, I read some of my mom's copy of Little Women, but the words all blur together. Each of her annotations are much too familiar, anyhow. My dream— or nightmare, I couldn't decide— had been so... real. It felt real. It was how I felt when I entered someone's mind. Strangely foggy. A vision foreign to my own mind but with someone else's sense of familiarity. I couldn't get it out of my head.

School went by quick enough, although I hardly paid attention. It was one of those days where it didn't really seem necessary to come to school— I felt like I knew everything already. At lunch, I took the opportunity to try and rationalize my dream. Bella seemed to notice my silence, but didn't comment. Everyone else was preoccupied with talk about the upcoming bonfire, anyways.

I pulled a notebook out of my backpack and began sketching the reoccurring setting of my dream. The trees surrounding the strange little clearing somewhat distant, the grass long and uncut. I sketched the moon, flowers littering the ground, and tried to work up the bravado to attempt the wolf itself.

Bella, however, looked over my shoulder. As soon as she glanced at the notebook, her face paled. "What's that?" She asked, just quiet enough nobody else but Mike seemed interested.

"Is it for the Art project?" Mike asks, but I shake my head.

I shrug, unable to find the words. "It's... a dream I've been having. Why?" I ask, setting the sketch down in my lap. She looked flushed, but not in a good way.

"I know that meadow," she settled on, and the look she gave me was steady. Suggestive. Oh! It must be the meadow. The one she and Edward had gone to.

Maybe I could ask her where it was. Ask her to take me there. It'd help me figure out some of this dream stuff, anyhow. The words were almost out of my mouth before I stopped, shutting the notebook with determination. It was... no. I couldn't ask her to go with me. It wouldn't be good for her.

"Oh," I respond, keeping my voice low. Bella's eyes roamed over my face, analyzing my expression, so I panic. I tuck a stray hair from my ponytail behind my ear, standing up from the table abruptly. "Oh!" I force with faux remembrance. "I totally forgot. Mrs. Taylor asked me to come in and talk about my last paper. I have to go," I lie, shoving the book into my backpack and zipping it up.

Bella clearly saw through the facade, but let me go. Jessica called something after me about making sure I didn't forget when and where the bonfire was going to be. I gave her a quick thumbs up, steeling myself, before blindly turning down hallways and through corridors.

Eventually, I made it to an empty classroom which I knew belonged to an English teacher. She always left it unlocked, and had a prep period directly following lunch, meaning she would not return for at least another hour or so. Besides, I just had to hide out until lunch was over.

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