8: Katie

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KATIE'S POVSeptember 15th

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September 15th

After my epic meltdown at Bella's birthday party, and a million apologies for killing the mood, everything seems back to the way it was before. Almost.

Edward has decided to back off of me, becoming a little quieter. When he looks at me, his eyes darken, but not in the roguish vampire way I'm used to. Like he feels personally guilty for what happened to me. I tried to thank him for killing James for me, but he had just looked out of the window wistfully. Not that I mind— Edward has become somewhat of a nuisance to me while at school, watching over me like a hawk, so the newfound freedom is nice.

I try all week, but I can't bring myself to take back what I said to Mike. I know that the mistake has already been made, so at this point it might just be better to get the date over with. Then, Mike could see for himself that we wouldn't work out. And if he couldn't see it... well, I could break it to him then.

Friday, the day before the dreaded date, I double check with Ben and Angela that they're cool going on a double date. Angela, the sweetheart she is, seems happy to spend the time with me, even asking to sit next to me in the theatre. I know that Mike would be on my other side, but still... better than nothing.

I usually sat at the kitchen table and did homework after school, sometimes with Bella, but today I wanted to break the habit. At first, I had no idea what to do. It was a Friday, but there wasn't much entertainment offered in Forks. A call from Billy last night reminded me that Jacob had invited Bella and I over to go check out the car he was working on. We both agreed, but because Bella had to trade shifts to get her birthday off, she was working right after school. I decided to go anyways. Might as well.

It was a sudden feeling of adventure, of needing to break past my cabin fever, and I was worried that it would be fleeting. Charlie had brought my Dad's old car, his pride and joy, to Forks with me so that I had something to drive. Bella and Edward had been driving me around, however, so I hadn't taken it on the road yet. As someone who appreciated cars, I'm sure Jacob would think it was a hunk of junk, but I was beyond caring.

I drove with the windows down the entire drive to the reservation, letting the wind tousle my hair. I was a good driver, had almost aced my driver's test, but it was easier driving in Forks. Not many people were on the roads, especially not in the middle of the day. And, besides, it was far from distracting. The cool wind, not yet sharpened from winter, felt good as it breezed past my face.

As soon as I killed the engine, Jacob appeared at my window. Standing, he dwarfed the car. Even just leaning on the car he was tall. If I had to guess, I would say he was just under a foot taller than me. I hadn't been paying too much attention to if he had mentioned how tall he was. I guess I'll just have to ask him later.

𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | jacob blackWhere stories live. Discover now