Chapter 2

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I wake up after a few hours and find myself in the living room, lying on the ground, with drops of my blood on the floor around me.

My back aches like hell as if someone is pressing hundreds of needles on my skin. Every part of my body hurts. Every muscle is sore.

I remember last night's events and tears flow down my cheeks. Why do my parents hurt me? Why do they look satisfied seeing me in pain? Why doesn't my mom love me like every other mother? Why does my dad not pamper me like every father pampers his daughter?

Am I that bad that no one loves me? Am I not good enough to at least be accepted by my parents? 

Why do they hate me so much?

Shouldn't parents love their kids?

Is it too much to wish for my mom to smile at me, hug me and talk to me just like how my classmates' mothers do to them?

With thoughts like this, I cry silently, lying on the floor of my living room.

After sometime, I try to stop my sobs and get up.

I need to complete my chores of cleaning the house, laundry and making breakfast, no matter how much pain I'm in. If I don't, I'll end up being punished again.

I try to get up, but the pain is too much and a sob escapes my mouth. I try one more time and slowly stand up using the couch for support. I try to walk to my room by taking support from the wall and the railing of the stairs.

I finally reach my room and go straight to the bathroom to clean up my wounds and start doing my chores for the day. I look at myself in the mirror and see a broken girl, with exhaustion and pain clearly visible in her eyes. My eyes tear up, looking at my broken form, but I'm too tired to cry.

I move on to sit on a stool and pour water over myself, sending a stinging sensation on my back.

I then apply an ointment on my back and hands. I put on my oversized hoodie and baggy jeans, with a little concealer here and there to cover up any bruises on my face and head downstairs to complete my chores.

I clean the house and go to prepare breakfast. I've done laundry just yesterday, so I have one less work to do. Sigh.

Just as I'm about to complete preparing breakfast, my mom walks out of her room, heading towards kitchen. I prepare two cups of coffee and hand it to her. She takes the cups and walks back to their room without any greeting.

I quickly complete preparing breakfast, wash my hands and get my backpack to go to school.

I set the table for their breakfast and walk out of the house, closing the door behind me.

I don't need to inform them that I'm leaving to school. They just don't care.

It was very painful doing all the chores with my bruised back and hands but I somehow completed it. Maybe due to the fear of getting punished again.

Is this how family is supposed to be?

If not , then what is family?

I don't even know the answer to that question. Sigh. I don't think I'm going to find it anytime soon.

I decided long ago that once I turn 18, I'm going to leave this house and find a separate place to live. But the problem is I'm not allowed to do any part time job and I don't have money to start fresh. I just wish to walk out of this hell.

With all these thoughts, I reach school and as usual, attend my classes.

In the middle of the third hour, I'm called to the Principal's office. I was scared.

Did I make any mistake?

Did I fail in any subject?

Did I offend someone and they complained about me?

With all these thoughts, I reached the Principal's office and knocked on his door.

I heard a come in and walked into his office. There was a police officer sitting on one of the two chairs in front of the Principal.

"Arianna, come sit down.", the Principal said looking at me with pity.

What is he pitying me for?

"Arianna, this is officer Robert Smith and officer, this is Arianna Jenson.", the Pricipal made the introductions.

Why was there a police officer and why I'm being introduced to him?

"Miss Jenson, I'm sorry to say this but your parents were arrested for drug dealing this morning. They were caught red handed, supplying drugs to minors and on further probing, they were charged for bigger cases of drug dealing. So, I would like you to come with me to the station so that I can ask a few questions and decide where you'll be staying.", the officer told me with a kind expression.


My parents are arrested for drug dealing?


So, here is the next chapter!

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The real story starts once the other characters are introduced. So, please have some patience.

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Yours lovingly,


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