Chapter 80

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"Take her with you.", Vince said calmly.

I froze in my place at his statement and surprisingly, so did Easton.

I looked at Vince with a faint frown and confusion.

What does he mean by his statement?

"What do you mean?", Easton asked calmly, composing himself.

"Isn't it clear? I said take her with you.", Vince replied calmly, looking at Easton.

He can't be serious!

Before I could say something Vince beat me to it.

"I'll arrange you a meeting with Angelina if you want to talk to her and reveal the truth about her family and yourself.", he said.

What the hell!

"What are you playing at, Mr. Marino?", Easton questioned, suspicion clear in his tone.

"I waited all this while assuming you would reveal your true relationship with my sister to her, but strangely you still haven't. So, I am giving you a good opportunity to do so.", Vince said calmly, looking straight at Easton.

Vince is right though.

It's strange that this guy hasn't told Angel anything about her biological family.

"If I ever want to tell her something, I can create my own opportunities to do so, Mr. Marino. I don't need such a considerate favor from you.", Easton said calmly.

This guy!

"The whole reason you could meet Angel all these days is because Vince chose to allow you. Don't think so high of yourself.", I said coldly.

"If he didn't want me to meet her, what would he have done? Stop her from going to school?", he asked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"We won't deny our sister anything, Mr. Reece. Rather we'll eradicate the reason that's causing us and her discomfort.", I said coldly with a sharp look, looking straight in his eyes.

"I'm hardly causing any discomfort, Mr. Marino. In fact, I'm one of the reasons she at least smiles at school. Otherwise you very well know she doesn't have a single friend except Arianna.", he said calmly.

Before I could say something, Vince cut me off.

"What do you want to do then, Mr. Reece? What do you want to achieve by talking to her as a random friend without revealing your identity?", Vince asked.

Easton looked a little lost at the question. I could see the wheels turning in his head.

What is he thinking though?

I can't understand his motives at all.

He looked at Vince and then at me.

"Is it fine with you if I tell everything to Angelina and take her away with me to my home?", he asked seriously.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Does he think we'll just let anyone come and take our sister away from us?

Does he even know anything about us?

"Tell Angelina about your family and how she's related to you and of course take her with you to your home", Vince was saying and I frowned.

"Vince-", I started but he cut me off showing his palm and I stopped.

He looked straight at Easton and spoke the next words.

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