Chapter 11

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"Arianna, let's discuss rules.", Vince said.

I looked at him and nodded.

"Meet me in the library when you're done with your breakfast.", he said and got up to go.

"Have a good day!", Angelina wished.

He stopped for a second but didn't reply and walked away.

Her face fell a little and she continued eating. I completed eating and noticed Angelina was just picking at her food and Theo was staring at her calmly. I got up to go. I didn't know what to say. Should I just walk away?

I decided that would be rude, so,

"It was nice meeting you.", I said to both of them.

Angelina looked up and smiled, "Same here. Have a good day!".

Theo gave a small smile and nodded.

I got up and walked out of the dining room. Once I walked out, I realized, I didn't know the way to the library. If I start looking for it now, I definitely won't be able to find it. But before I could think of how to find it, a guard came to me.

"I'm here to lead you to the library, Miss.", he said in an emotionless voice with a stoic expression.

"Okay", I replied.

He nodded and turned around, gesturing me to follow him. We walked a little, took a few turns and finally reached the door of the library.

"Boss is inside, Miss.", the guard said and knocked on the door.

We heard a come in and he opened the door for me to enter. I took a deep breath and walked in. Talking to Vince is not easy. He's intimidating and always has a cold look and stoic expression leaving you clueless about what he's thinking or feeling.

As I walked in, I was awestruck looking at the library. There was a chandelier hanging at the center of the library, there were rows on either sides, filled with books. There was a round coffee table with four chairs around it. The theme of the library was brown and it looked amazing. 

"I presume, you liked the library.", Vince's voice brought me out of my staring session. I saw he was sitting on one of the chairs with one leg over the other's knee with his index finger and thumb on his chin. I didn't say anything to that. What could I have said!

"Take a seat, Arianna.", he said.

I took a deep breath and sat on the chair opposite to his, a coffee table separating us. I kept fiddling with my fingers and looked at my lap.

"There are some rules to follow while living in this house. One of them is looking at me when I'm talking to you.", he said in his usual cold voice.

I gulped and looked up at him.

"That's better. Now, coming to the rules, the curfew is at 10PM. I expect you to sleep by that time. The grades at school should be good. Not less than a B in any subject. No drinking, smoking or drugs. Boyfriends are not allowed. You can have friends but not boyfriends. No getting in trouble at school. Respect your siblings and they'll respect you back. If you have any issue regarding any matter, you can come to me or Theo.", he said.

"If you have any problem with any rule, you can tell me now. And Arianna, never lie. If you do, you won't like the consequences.", he said and his tone held a promise. A promise of the consequences if I ever chose to lie.

He's scary!

I'll never get on his bad side!

I bit my lower lip, out of nervousness and nodded.

"I always prefer verbal answers.", he said.

"Y-Yes.", I stuttered. If not my voice, my fiddling fingers and face would have already revealed my nervousness.

"I hope you'll follow the rules properly. Theo's taking you out to the mall to get you some clothes and other necessities. He must be waiting. See you at the dinner.", he said.

I nodded but remembered he said he expected verbal answers so I said, 

"S-See you.".

Saying so, I got up and walked out. As soon as I walked out, I released the breath I had been holding all this time. Dad was scary, but Vince is on a whole new level. He can make anyone obey him with one look of his. I'll never break the rules. I don't want to get on his bad side.


As I was in my thoughts, I heard a throat clearing and looked up startled. There was the same guard from before.

"Miss, Sir is waiting for you in the living room.", he said.

I nodded and followed him.

Theo was waiting for me in the living room. As he saw me coming, he stood up from the couch and smiled, 

"So, shall we go.".

"Y-Yes", I stuttered.

"Relax Aria. I'm not as scary as Vince.", he chuckled.

My nerves relaxed a little at that. He really doesn't seem as scary as Vince. Wait. He called me Aria.

He gave me a nickname!

No one has ever given me a nickname. It's the first time someone's calling me with such fondness. My nerves relaxed more at that. He really isn't scary.

"Hey, where are you lost?", his voice brought me out of my little celebration.

"I'm sorry. I zoned out.", I apologized and I didn't stutter this time. I don't know if I'm comfortable with him but I'm at least not uncomfortable or nervous.

"It's fine. Now, let's go. I'll spoil you rotten today.", he grinned and walked out of the house, asking me to follow. I smiled at that and followed him.

There was a car already waiting for him at the entrance of the mansion. It was a black car. I don't have much knowledge about cars but any lame person can tell it's a very expensive one.

He walked and opened the door for me and gestured with a bow,

"My lady.".

I giggled at that and sat inside. He closed my door and walked around and sat behind the wheel. He started the car and said,

"Now let's go have some fun at the mall and get to know each other!". He had a warm smile on his face.

I smiled at him and nodded.

He seems good!


So, here is the next chapter.

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What is your opinion on Vince?

What is your opinion on Theo?

What do you think of Angelina?

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Yours lovingly, 


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