Chapter 65

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The black eyed guy!

I looked at him and groaned internally.

Not again!

This definitely is not a coincidence. How can he be in every place I go.

Okay, that' a bit of an exaggeration but still I feel this is not a coincidence.

Is he following me around?

Should I tell Vince?

But I can't come to a conclusion without knowing why he is here in the first place.

Why is he here?


That's why it is important to pay attention in the class!

"So, I hope all the students will welcome his aid and make the best use of his advice.", the principal said.

What advice?

I looked at the others in the class and some girls were swooning at the black eyed guy, while the others were just looking at him curiously.


Why are they checking him out?

I am sure he is my brother's age, seven to eight years older than us. Then why in the world are they even staring at him so much!

I accept that he is very handsome and fit but I just get some brotherly vibes from him.


Brotherly vibes?

Where did that come from?

How can I get brotherly vibes from a stranger?

I am truly going mad.

The principal was saying something to that guy and I decided it is the best time to know who he is.

I tapped on the shoulder of the girl sitting in front of me and she turned around.

"Who is he?", I asked pointing at the guy.

She frowned and gave me a 'are you serious' look.

I just stared at her blankly and she shook her head.

"He is a gold medalist from the Harvard Business School. He is here as a guest to give us advice about our career plans and other university stuff.", she said.

I frowned.

So the stranger is a gold medalist huh?


But I still don't understand what does he have to do with me.

Or maybe it truly is a coincidence and I'm overthinking.

"What is his name?", I asked.

"Easton Reece.", she said.

"Mr. Reece is going to be present in the school for a few days and feel free to talk to him and learn from his experiences.", the principal stated.

That's very weird.

The teachers are there to advice us on that and moreover he is not even an alumni of this school.

Then why him?

I understand that he is this year's gold medalist at Harvard but something like this never happened in this school.

Maybe the principal is just doing something new.


I'll better ask him myself.

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