Chapter 53

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I looked at dad and he looked back at me.

The gentle expression on his face was gone and now he has his usual stoic face and blank eyes.

Looking at his change of expression, my heart clenched.

He wouldn't accept it!

"Angel", Anna called me and I broke out of my thoughts.

"Y-Yes", I replied looking at her.

She looked at me and gestured with her eyes to give my gift to dad.

I gave her a small smile and bit my lower lip.

Every year on his birthday, father's day and Christmas I do bring gifts for him but just place it in his room when he is not there.

Unfortunately, every time, the next morning the gift would be on my study table untouched.

I keep them in my drawer as it is, hoping to give them to him someday when he will accept me.

As years went by I should have understood that it will always be an unfulfilled dream but still my heart holds a little hope that maybe, just maybe he would come to accept me one day.

But right now, I have to give him the gift directly.

Getting the gift returned back is one thing but being ignored and rejected on the face is much more painful.

My breathing got a tad bit faster but I masked it successfully.

My hold on the wrapped up gift tightened and my palms started sweating.

I am pretty sure sweat beads formed on my forehead too, because right now I am feeling very hot despite the fact that the room is air conditioned.

In my peripheral view I could see a small frown appearing on Anna's face.

And that increased my heart beat even further.

Way to go, Angelina!

Go on and destroy your sister's smallest of happiness. Just like how you did to your brothers. The voice in my brain mocked.

Isn't that what you are good at. Destroying things. Go on and cry and let Anna 's impression on dad get destroyed. The voice continued.

My palms started trembling slightly and I fisted my frock to stop the trembling.

Anna's frown is deepening and that is making my heart beat more and more fast.

Pull yourself together, Angelina!

That's when I felt someone's hand circle my shoulder and I jumped a little startled.

I looked to my side and saw it is Ash who circled his hand around my shoulder and squeezed it slightly

I took a breath and relaxed a little but the tension is still present.

The worst thing is that the atmosphere in the room has turned cold and I could see Vince's changed demeanor and all my brothers are getting slightly serious.

On no! Dad is going to think I did it purposefully.

"Is everything alright, Angel?", Anna's voice broke my chain of thoughts.

"Y-Yes.", I stuttered out and cursed myself internally for the stutter.

"You look a little pale and lost.", she said concerned.

"I-I uh I was just wondering if the gift is good enough.", I said chuckling nervously.

"A gift is a gift no matter its' value, Angel. The intention is what matters.", she said with a soft smile and I smiled back.

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