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That night, Ellen wasn't able to sleep, the vivid memories of her making out with Vsar kept on playing in her head.

She kept on picturing his face and tried to see him like the alien he was, but somehow she wasn't able to see him like that anymore. Instead his alien face, with the scales, fangs and horns had become atractive. Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, but she couldn't deny she felt more atractited to her than to any human man before, and it wasn't just because of his dry, ambiguous humour, which he had plenty of, but she really liked the colouring of his scaled skin, the horns on either side of his head, the keratinized scales on his face, giving the illusion he was wearing of some sort of mask or helmet, and then his eyes... the emerald green color that turned black when he was aroused... damn...

The tingles in her gut grew stronger, as did the throbbing sensation in her crotch and she ran a hand to the tender spot to end the nagging feeling.

A few miles away, Vsar sat at the table with the two brothers, looking from one to the other. He should have punished Birgg for his rude behavior that afternoon, but first he wanted to be sure of the man's behavior.

"What, inspired you to just walk away from the meeting, Birgg? And don't come up with bullshit or whining... I want to know what's going on, no..., I need to know what's going on between you and that female!"

His piercing gaze, made Birgg wanting to avert his Tarocs eyes, but he wasn't a youngster anymore and he didn't want to lose his leaders respect.

"Her scent... Taroc, it made me lose control of myself..."

With an irritated gesture, Vsar silenced him. "Yes, I already knew that! Just as I know it's Yh'ghul nah seiy, I just want to know why you decided to follow her, we were in a meeting!'

Vsar got up and walked to the small window and stared into the darkness for a few minutes before turning to the two men waiting at his desk. "Let's just forget about it... It's none of my buisnes any way, but don't ever pull a trick like that again, Birgg."

He sighed deeply and turned his attention to Rhan."I wanted you here, not to see me berate your brother, but because I need to confide in you on an important subject so that you don't face each other in the future. My succession..." A puzzled expression crossed Rhan's impassive face.

"The original deeds are safely stored with two others, but the one who will succeed me in the future is you Birgg and not you Rhán. Not because I don't think you would be a worthy successor, but because... probabely in a not all to far future, I will need you at a different place..."

The eyes of both men had widened with surprise.

"I have been in contact with Ikat Gh'ara for several months now and... Sit down Rhán!" He roared at the giant who had jumped up from his chair in anger, hearing his enemies name.

Vsar took a deep breath and continued his story after his furious friend sat down again.

"As I said before...I've been in contact with Gh'ara for a couple of months now. He and a few other men are keeping an eye on the ins and outs for me in Europe, including the experiments Latarji is doing on human females regarding breeding... I know what you're thinking..., I'm disgusted by this too, but I needed to know how far his experiments had progressed and what he would be capable of. Thanks to Gh'ara now I know.

Look, Rhan, I know you and Gh'ara have a history, but there's too much at stake for your distaste to take over... and you certainly won't want to hear the following, but, I want you to take take the place of Latarji once he is deposed off, with Gh'ara as your right-hand man. Now you know why I chose Birgg as my successor.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now