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Days passed and week after week more and more changes became noticeable, as well as visible, and as the weeks turned into months, several clans, especially the smaller female clans, descided to take a closer look at the merged clans of Ellen and Vsar, in fact, two clans had already joined the combined clan, making the combined clan the biggest clan in the US. The White lake Azury clan was now harboring over three hundred men and women. And not only the female clans were interested, several Taroc were interested in the cooperation between the two and the clan was regularly visited by the others to learn from their knowledge.

Overall, the merging went smoothly, something neither Vsar nor Ellen had expected. The men kept their animalistic instincts in check, and to Ellen's surprise, the women benefited from the clear non-verbal communication the men provided the women with, eventhough some things would have been considered sexistic in the days before the great war.

It became clearer by the day how much both sexes had missed communication and attention of one another. Of course there were small bumps, but that was it, just small bumps, the urge to work towards a future together made the differences that existed to be seen as challenges instead of problems.

Even one of the deserted Shri'Traccal men had unexpectedly returned with at his side a tall, athletic female warrior, obviously his lover. The couple had returned due to rumors of the two clans' fruitful partnership and, even though they realized the Shri'Traccal man was facing a hefty punishment for his desertion, the two wanted nothing more than to be part of a clan again.

The punishment the male received wasn't mild, but as he hadn't forced the woman to anything, but had more or less fallen into one of her traps himself and had been at the mercy of the stout amazon for a long time, the new and old Tároc descided not to punish the man too severely. The new female had already given the male plenty of problems herselft.

Meanwhile, some of Rhán's men had returned to their old settlement, including Ri'kil and Sasha, much to Ellen and Nora's delight even though the reunion between mother and daughter had been quite stiff compared to Nora and Ellen reunion a few weeks earlier, as Sasha deeply resented her mother for leaving without saying goodbye and Nora had to grovel to get on good terms with her daughter again.

Nora's return hadn't been a walk in the park anyway. Her old position as chief of clan security had been handed over to Diane, Elena's wife, and Birgg had kept his distance from her, even when he couldn't avoid her, he kept a cool distance, and although it was hard for Nora, there was nothing she could do about it, anything other than give everyone time to forgive her.

Fortunately, Diane had given her a position as trainer of the new female warriors, something that required quite some adjustment, as some of the Shri'Traccal men had also been added to the group.

To her own surprise, it was not difficult for her to deal with the men, despite her previous aversion, the men turned out to be a real asset to the group. Where in earlier times the women could be quite squeaky and whiny, the men present kept them on their toes and the women proved many times more competitive than ever before. She also had to admit that the company of the men was a welcome change, the humor was rougher, even coarser, but also more fun and challenging and Nora noticed that she was getting more and more fun with the new members of her group by the day.

"How's security for the first Alliance Day working out?" Nora and her mother enjoyed a hot cup of fruit tea with a large slice of freshly baked thousand layer cake from Hellen.

Nora shrugged. "I don't know, mom, I'm just doing the training sessions, remember?" Although it had been painful at first, in retrospect Nora was glad in her heart that the responsibility for the clan's safety no longer rested on her shoulders and that she could spend more time assisting her daughter who was heavily pregnant.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now