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Again, Sasha's eyes switched from Rhán to, aparently, Robin.

"You two know eachother?"

At her question, Rhan snapped out of his stunned state. "'Knowing' isn't the right word..." He said as his eyes never left the woman's face.

How was this possible? Even though he had this conversation with Hellen, he kept on telling himself the woman was a mirage, a mind game... But here she was... Bruised, battered and... raped...

His eyes moved from her face across her chest to her arms, and his stomach turned at the sight of her bloody, skinned wrists. A snarl escaped him, and to his horror he saw her curl up in fear. Rhán could kick himself, she was already so scared, he had to be careful not to make her more scared! His eyséah....

"I'm sorry Robin! I didn't mean to scare you, I... it... I promise you I'll make Latarji pay for what he did to you! I'll bring his head to you, or I'll hold him down if you want to kill him yourself!" His voice was hoarse with suppressed anger and burning and fierce fire in his eyes.

"Calm down Rhán...!" With almost pleading eyes, Sasha looked at the giant.

If he continued his rambling like this, she was never going to get the woman to the infirmary, he was going to freak her out like that.

But to her surprise, she heard a sigh and the soft sniffing of a nose, and she turned to face the woman.

Though the tears on her cheeks had streaked the blood on her face and her nose was red from all the sniffling, a small smile had appeared on the woman's face.

"Rhán, can you gently pick her up and carry her to the infirmary?" Seeing the small smile on the womans face was enough encouragement for Sasha, and she knew she had to act quickly, strangely enough the woman didn't seem to be afraid of Rhán, better yet... they seemed to know each other... How, what or where? She couldn't even start to understand, but once the woman was in the infirmary she would hear out Rhán about 'Robin'...

Not to scare her, Rhán carefully walked over to the bed where the woman was hiding behind.

"Would you mind if I come around the bed and pick you up, Robin, so I can carry you to the infirmery?" A shiver ran down his spine as he said her name out loud again, as if it belonged right there, on the tip of his tongue.

The woman's face darkened a little and she gave Sasha a anxcious look, who gave her an encouraging nod. At this her eyes found Rhan's and with a shaky breath she gave him a nod. This was all the encougagement he needed and with two big strides he stood behind the bed, next to Sasha.

"Uhhmm Sasha... can I pass, please?"

With a red blush of embarrassment, Sasha quickly got up and crawled on all fours quickly across the bed to the other side, to give the Ikat space. She had been so captivated by the non-verbal interaction between the two that she hadn't noticed she was in the giant's way. As she stepped off the other side of the bed, she saw Ri'kil standing in the doorway with a puzzled look, watching what was going on in the room, and he gave his girl a questioning look.

In response, Sasha shrugged slightly, indicating that she also had no idea what was going on between their Ikat and the female.

With his eyes locked onto hers, Rhán carefully wrapped one arm around Robins waist, the other slipped gently under her legs and he held her as if she were fragile china, and stood up as if she weighed nothing.

Robin inhaled sharply as the tall giant stood up with her in his arms, as if she were as light as a feather. The fear struck her again as she was pressed so close to a Shri'Traccal male and she felt her stomach turn, But much to her own surprise the feeling ebbed away as the giant looked at her with an inquiring look from his good eye.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now