chapter 6

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Shopping was hell for Emilia, they first went a uniform store. Dante wanted to go do his own thing but Mason wouldn't let him in the end, mason was so fed up that he had Dante go collect their school books.

Lexi was more than happy to spend her brothers money unlike Emilia who felt guilty.

Lexi could fit into a small uniform but Emilia had trouble holding it up.

Mason called the owners other and explained how Emilia didn't fit into the smallest size and so it would need to ge altered.

The owner called someone over to take measurements. Mason stepped closer as the worker took the measurements, Mason kept a close eye on the worker, watching every slight movement.

Once the worker was done , Emilia and the worker took a deep breath if relief. Emilia because it was over and the worker because of mason.

They then got school bags and stationary. After that it was lunch so they all headed to the food court, Dante had rejoined them unwillingly of course.

As they ate lunch, Lexi talked mainly about herself. Mason and Matteo asked lots of questions too both twins but when they didn't get a anwser from Emilia they gave up knowing she wasn't going to talk so they focused on Lexi. Dante ate quietly, not wanting to talk to Lexi. Her voice annoyed him.

It was too babyish for his liking. It seemed fake.

Dante noticed a few people hovering around, it wasn't unusual though. Everyone either wanted to be with one of the Russo brothers or be one. It was rare that they got approached though, not since the last time.

Matteo had been 15 and come home from school in a fearful state. Damon was 23 at the time, he was already feared by the city so when he saw the fear in his brothers eyes, he made him explain. A group of people had approached him, shouting questions and demanding autographs or hugs. Damon was furious and took matter into his own hands.

Since that day, no one dared approach them.

"Where are you going" Matteo asked as Emilia stood up. She pointed to the bin and he nodded getting back to the conversation he was having.

As she finished binning the items, two boys came up to her.

"Hi babe, you don't need to hangout with the Russo's anymore,you have me" the boy snickered. She shook her head in response.
The guy reached out to grab her arm when she walked away "lets go back to mine, it will be worth it" he licked his lips looking her up and down.

Mason and Matteo didn't see they were to busy talking but Dante saw and he was over there in second
He got up quick and was there in seconds.
"Hi boys" Dante said his voice filled with sarcasm as he put a hand on her shoulder.
The boy gulped but remained as he were, trying to stay confident was hard when you were face to face with a Russo.
"Can't you see I'm busy, this little one is coming back with me, aren't you"
Dante looked down and saw tears forming in Emilia's eyes. He decided to end this quickly not wanting to make her cry.

(Note: okay so instead of getting the wrong translation of Google I have just turned the text bold, so any bold talking is them speaking in Italian, the bold being the English translation for what they are saying)

"You really think that's a good idea, Damon has quite a soft spot for her" Dante said, he then switched language to Italian "I hate to think what he would do if you hurt her" the boys looked terrified now which made Dante smile "are you hurt" he asked Emilia. Her eyes went down to her wrist where a bruise was forming. Even he was pissed and wanted them to pay but he took the calmer approach "Damon isn't going to like that bruise" again he spoke in Italian.. he switched back to English "let's go"

Emilia followed him back to the table. Mason and Matteo had been watching, they would have gotten up themselves but saw Dante had it handled. Lexi was glaring at Emilia blaming her for it, they should have been asking her not her bratty least that's what she thought.

"What did you say" mason asked seeing that the boys looked pale and sickly.
"I just mentioned Damon not being happy, I don't see them living very long after today"
"A little much, it's not like he did something serious, boys are going to try get with them" Matteo jumped in
"Her wrist" Dante snapped.

This caused both brothers to look at her wrist.
"Bastards" Mason cursed.

"Are you okay" mason switched back to English.
Emilia was confused by the question but nodded regardless. "Do you need anything for it" he asked which Emilia shook her head too. She found her brothers behaviour weird.

"Okay if you're sure. Finish up then we will get back to shopping. Lexi you have a suitcase filled with clothes. So you will be going with Matteo and Dante. Emilia, you and I will go get you some clothes"

Lexi was fuming that her sister got new clothes whilst she was stuck playing games in the arcade. They had seperated after lunch and Lexi ended up here, she barely played anything.

Meanwhile Mason took Emilia to get clothes. He did find it strange Lexi had tons of clothes whereas Emilia had a small backpack filled mostly with necessities.
Once they knew her size, Mason would pick up anything she glanced at for more than 5 seconds.

After that they went straight to the apple store. He had asked Lexi who has told them she does have a laptop and phone but since they were twins they shared it because their parents couldn't afford.
It was lies.
Mason had looked at Lexis phone, it was a newer model and seemed to work just fine. There was no point getting her something if she already had it so mason just decided to get Emilia new things. Emilia was shocked and confused, no one ever bought her such nice things before.

She felt guilty they were wasting their money on her. After the apple store they went back and picked up a few uniform sets that had been altered to fit.

They then met up with the others it was getting late and they had to head back.

Emilia was exhausted, she had never walked so much and so when they got back into the car she struggled to stay awake. Ultimately she didn't sleep because Damon wasn't there.

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