new story?

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Ok so I have decided to start a new story, I'll still have regular updates on this but I figured why not start another. Similar story line to this only it's triplets and they all love each other.
Updates won't be as regular but if it gets popular I will update more frequently. Check it out whilst you wait for updates on this book.

The story will hopefully be written better than the description but here it is

Alexander, James and Skye were triplets.

They were stolen from their family at the age of 4. The family searched for them day and night never giving up, years past and they knew they had to face reality. The triplets weren't coming back.

Alexander, James and Lily were stolen in daylight, they had wandered off from one of their friends birthday parties and they had been taken. of course it hadn't been random, they had been targeted.

now 10 years later they are no longer the happy care free children, they have scars both litteral and metaphorical.

  Alexander being the oldest always tried to protect his younger siblings but that didn't matter to them. They found a way to hurt the triplets whenever they could.

Until one day when everything changed. A police raid and the kids were taken to the station. They were finally free from the cruel grasp of their abusers.

Only to be reunited with their family.

What or should I say who really caused them to be abducted?

*Published under the lost triplets

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