chapter 32

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"so what do you want to talk about" Dante asked.
"Well I heard the comment you made, have you been on Lexi's laptop" Damon asked.

'Well fuck' Dante thought to himself.

He wanted to have some more fun but it seems his time was up.

"So I'll take your silence as a yeah, you better have a good reason for it though because you clearly violated her privacy"

Dante nodded, he didn't know how Damon would take this.

"Maybe it's best I show you" Dante couldn't put it into words.

Damon nodded.

"Ok I'll be right back, you just stay here and maybe pour yourself a drink, you're going to need it " Dante said.

Dante left to get his laptop, whilst Damon took out a glass and poured himself a drink.

Dante soon returned.

"You're going to be angry but before you do anything rash, I think we should talk to Emilia, and maybe talk to dad"

Damon nodded, he didn't know what to expect but when Dante got up the emails and he started to read. He was pissed.

Recap of the emails sent

She's starting to become more open too, we need to put an end to it. Damon and Dante both are on her side completely but Im working on it and I think I can create doubt in Damon's mind, he's the eldest of my brothers and the others either respect him too much to go against him or fear him. Emilia is still scared of him and I don't blame her, he can be scary sometimes. I bet if I can blame her for something really bad he will hit her and then she will never tell him what happened. I fear she's getting closer to speaking as each day passes.

Lexi I trust that you will take care of it

Yeah I will dad


oh god, she hit him, I wouldn't be suprised if he hurt her. I'm sure she will not trust him ever again, I will still carry out my plan just in case but I bet he's going to beat her up for that


I'm certain Dante knows, I'm trying to get rid of him but it's not working. He had the nerve to threaten me, he will pay for it though as I went to Damon about it.

"Damon" Dante causiously said. His expression gave away no emotions, it was scary to see.

"It doesn't specifically say they abused her though" Damon muttered trying to convince himself. He didn't want to face the truth

"No but if you read between the lines" Dante whispered. He feared any louder and he would break.

"I know. I should have seen the signs. No I did see them. I chose to ignore them though. I thought she was scared of me, I thought when she flinched it was because of me, I thought she was distant and didn't eat much because her parents had just gone to prison, I thought she had trouble sleeping because it was a new place. I thought her lack of talking was something in her past. I should have fucking known" Damon said, his voice rising the more he spoke and at the end of his rant, the empty glass was thrown against the wall.
"I should have fucking known" he practically shouted.

"And I should have told you sooner, I wanted to mess with her first though. I did threaten her because of this" Dante said.

Damon nodded "although I want her gone, I think we should have a little fun with it. She finds me scary apparently, let's show her how scary I can be" Damon's words were said in such a menacing tone it sent shivers down Dante's spine.

"I have to say, you're taking it remarkably well" Dante commented.

"That bitch can die for all I care. We will keep this between us for now. Father will punish her but she's still his daughter so he won't do enough. She's caught now, she has nowhere to hide, monitor those emails. Yes she's a bitch and she will be dealt with but I'm more concerned about Henry and our dear Mother. We will pay them a visit at some point. But for now, let's have some fun"

"I couldn't agree more. Do we confront Emilia" Dante asked a vicious smirk on his face.

"Well you tell me, you both are awfully close"

"She doesn't know I know but after last night's little arguement, I think she knows I know something "

"Then we keep it between us, we don't tell her we know for now. We will let her come to us however if she doesn't we will sit her down and have a chat "

Dante nodded "so any ideas on how to mess with her"

"We want her to fear me since she's already scared of me, as she says in the email. At school you will be in charge of messing with her though so anything you think of, you can do. We know she's going to blame Emilia for something so we know she's not going to attack her however just in case, we don't leave her alone with her"

Dante thought for a minute and grinned "I have an idea" he said hoping Damon would agree, he probably would.

Another update 🥳 any guesses on Dante's plan. I can't wait to write it.

Damon might seem a little too calm considering how much anger he had for Dante but when he goes calm that's when he's the deadliest unless he's blinded by rage then he's just as deadly.

They are going to mess with her for a bit now but they know and whatever Lexi does will probably back fire.

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