Chapter 1

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**Dedicated to my late mom, she loved crime/mystery novels.**

I'm dead. 


Definitely not breathing. 

Laying in my favorite striped bikini, the one that fits the absolute best, and shows off my surf body. But none of that matters now. Not when you're dead. I feel nothing too. Void of any physical sensation. Have you ever wondered what death would be like? It's a bit different from what you might think.

It's been about an hour give or take since I ended up here. The traffic around me is slowing. Honolulu is always crowded, except for the early morning hours. That is when no one is around. No one except the homeless and the business owners. Plus the occasional police officer. Right now though, it's becoming late morning. The sun is still high but it's beginning the slow descent across the sky. Shadows are forming and blocking the pavement where the high-rises tend to  get in the burning orbs way. 

"Oh my God!! Do you see that??" 

"Someone call 911!!" 

"Why isn't anyone helping her??" 

"She is surely dead.."

"Keep walking..." 

"Don't look at her!! Honey, the kids!!"

"I called 911 and they said they know, they are sending police!"

"Well where are they??" 

"Jesus!! I'm going to throw a towel over her..."

There are a lot of people now, most stopping and some hurrying by. I'm kind of glad that one of them decided to half cover me. At least my face. The more I look at myself the more embarrassed I am. My eyes are open. I look strange indeed. You can feel embarrassed and be dead. I wonder what other emotions I can feel. I have time to explore that at least. 

Sirens wail in the distance, echoing off the buildings. Honolulu is a very echo-y city. If you've ever been, you know what I am talking about. The water doesn't muffle the sounds very well until you hit the sand. 

Cruisers race near and take up the road on both sides. They are blocking off the path for other cars, no one can drive by anymore. I guess that is good. Time for them to begin cordoning off the scene. I've seen it before a few times. Unfortunately. Not for a death like mine, but for homeless deaths. They were just slumped over though. I am not in that position. 

"Get the tape up! Quickly ask if anyone saw anything and if not get them moving." 

I guess this is the sergeant in charge. He looks to be anyhow. 

"Christ, how did this happen?! Her body, never seen anything like it."

I guess I am an oddity in death, just like life. How fitting. 


"She's going into the murder files. Make sure you do a thorough report, the coroner will be here soon. They'll do an autopsy but without a good report, we'll never find the perp."

"The murder files?"

"Yes dipstick, the huge file folder homicide keeps on murders. You know the one."

A lead detective has shown up on scene, taking over for the patrolmen and at least now my body has a white sheet over it. I look smaller somehow, being covered this way. Looking at yourself from this angle was interesting to say the least. But still weird

The police hover. Talk to everyone, and I mean everyone. They are taking my death pretty serious. Which is how it should be I guess. I'm not an expert in these things though. 

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